Counting Stars ***

4:00 and I’m wide awake, and this isn’t the real blog I have been meaning to post. But fuck, it’s Saturday. I’m by myself, I can’t sleep. Music is inspiring me. One of my SUPER old playlist was brought back into legacy mode for really old subscribers. I haven’t heard this song in forever. It’s kind of a sad song, but I kind of anticipate tomorrow is going to be a whirlwind of emotion.

(Sugarcult, “Counting Stars”)

Hey, I wanna crawl out of my skin
Apologize for all my sins
All the things I should have said to you
Hey, I can’t make it go away
Over and over in my brain again
All the things I should have said to you
Counting stars wishing I was okay
Crashing down was my biggest mistake
I never ever ever meant to hurt you
I only did what I had to
Counting stars again
Hey, I’ll take this day by day by day
Under the covers I’m okay I guess
Life’s too short and i feel small
Counting stars again
Counting stars again
Counting stars again
Counting stars again
Counting stars again

My music range goes all over the place. So I get inspired by anything. This spoke to me. It’s about 3:59, I have to get someone around 9ish, wake up at 8ish to shower then I have to have someone here and do repairs on my house all day. Joy. Maybe I’ll try and sleep. Maybe.

When I do go to bed tonight, (if I actually do) these are the kind of stars I’d like to see. Happy ones! Goodnight/good morning fellow bloggers. Like I said, a real post is coming tomorrow, technically today since it’s 4:11 AM on Saturday morning on the East cost so I promise you will get one from me!

These images are exactly why this blog is called by Happy Place. Even a couple images like that make me happy. They should just bring a little smile to your day too. The song I posted was a little deep but whatevs.

Published by

meow =^^=

I am (almost) 29, from Detroit, MI, I love music (SUCHHHHHH a huge part of my life), Hello Kitty, glitter, unicorns, my dog, the color pink, clothes, traveling, friends, laughing, and living life. I was a small business major in college, and I currently work in advertising. I like the internet, playing on it and communicating on it. It's pretty neat. I decided to start a this happy/positivity blog because I've had way too much negative energy in my life for well, most of it. It's really been taking up a lot of my head space for most of my life and consuming me. I don't think I've necessarily had it "easy" mentally growing up because I was diagnosed as ADHD and as an adult I was diagnosed as bipolar. It's very easy to get caught up in negativity and distracted when you have either one of these, let alone both. So, shit, might as well do something that I already do everyday (go on the internet) and put shit out on the internet to find since I work in advertising anyway. Oh well, I guess if the only person that reads is me, well, then at least it helps me.

Leave a comment bitches <3