Musical inspiration


“Happiness is not a fish that you can catch” – Our Lady Peace

I get it now. You just can’t catch happiness. You have to want it, almost earn it. Why put up with bad when you can have good? Good moods, good mornings, feel good about yourself. You have to put some work into it too. See, I was missing all that stuff before. I thought well my life sucks, that’s just the way it is. No, dumbass, go out and fucking fix it. I feel confident in the choices I’ve been making recently. I have a job interview today!

I honestly spent an hour online looking for jobs and a huge company called me, told me they would send me more info on the job, but it already sounded like something I would really like, so I just asked if I could schedule immediately. She called to verify and said she was really excited because my resume is impressive and they’d like to have me work there. I’m not going to name drop the company on here because I don’t want my blog associated with the name that may appear together in a search result. (I worked for a large search engine company, I know how this works) But it sounds like something I would enjoy for the time being, and it’s for a large company, not doing fucking retailing or waitressing work. Corporate shit, you dig?

Today is also the 4th anniversary since my sister completed the police academy. I don’t want to post pictures of her because she works for the government, that and she would kill me because she know my blog exists but I refuse to let her read it. (This goes also to most people I know in real life. Most of the time I’ll read certain posts back to them, but they don’t know the link to my link, ya feel me?) Anyway, I am so happy for her and all her success. I’m slowly but surely getting my act together.

The wifi people are supposed to come and hook up our new interwebz today. I called him back an hour and a half later and was like, uh so, you coming dude? He said something about a thing being out and he’s waiting for a new one. I’m tech-y, but not when it comes to wiring things through houses, running lines, drilling holes in the wall, yeah no. So we are getting a sweet ass deal. Highest speed money can buy you for $52. That’s being split between two people. That’s also with a pimp ass discount on it because I’M THE SHIT. I really should be a lawyer, because I just totally negotiated my own price there. Whatevs.

I’m still trying to get in touch with my lawyer. I just called and left another message. I know he’s busy, so maybe that’s good but I want to fry the fuck out of the landlords. I officially turned in my Hello Kitty key on Saturday. Bittersweet. I’m going to get a new Hello Kitty key made out of my current house key and use this one as a spare.

Anyway, back to my musical inspiration. I know I get side tracked. I get my ADHD meds filled on Friday, don’t worry. Happiness isn’t something you can just catch, you have to look for it. Sometimes you find it in the strangest of places. Like me and a younger guy. Neverrrrrrrrrr ever would I think that I would even consider someone younger than me, let alone 8 years younger. But I guess it doesn’t really matter. It’s about the person, that happiness. I told him he makes me feel complete, and calm. He really does. He just takes care of me, and no ones ever done that other than my parents, and that’s totally different. He makes sure I’m okay. He does so much for me, I’m so thankful I have met him and we started to get to know each other more and more, and we almost think on the same wavelength. We think of the same songs at the same time and shit, trippy. I also accidentally sang in front of him. If you know me in real life, I can sing. I was a musician for a long time, but I can sing and I never will in front of people. Except I just started belting out to the cover of “I Will Survive” by Cake and he was blown away. I was so embarrassed but he told me I had the most amazing voice. I mean I know I am good, but I don’t think that good. LOL But I guess I am.

I keep taking coffee and cigratette breaks waiting for my interwebz people to show up for their 9:00 apportionment and it’s not 9:50. Now it’s 10:06 he had to check some wiring down the street, then check the wires behind the house, he had to take off for a second to get some more stuff, then he should be ready to go.

Here’s what I’m wearing to my interview. It’s a shitty pic but I tried it on last night since the dress is new. It has a polka dot lace overlay over the black dress which I tried to capture. With some classic black tights. I’m still struggling with the shoes but I think I have a pair in mind.


Anyway, I hope this interview is great. I hope life continues to be great. Don’t wait out to catch your happiness. Create your own. Life your life, smile, laugh, surround yourself with encouraging people.

Counting Stars ***

4:00 and I’m wide awake, and this isn’t the real blog I have been meaning to post. But fuck, it’s Saturday. I’m by myself, I can’t sleep. Music is inspiring me. One of my SUPER old playlist was brought back into legacy mode for really old subscribers. I haven’t heard this song in forever. It’s kind of a sad song, but I kind of anticipate tomorrow is going to be a whirlwind of emotion.

(Sugarcult, “Counting Stars”)

Hey, I wanna crawl out of my skin
Apologize for all my sins
All the things I should have said to you
Hey, I can’t make it go away
Over and over in my brain again
All the things I should have said to you
Counting stars wishing I was okay
Crashing down was my biggest mistake
I never ever ever meant to hurt you
I only did what I had to
Counting stars again
Hey, I’ll take this day by day by day
Under the covers I’m okay I guess
Life’s too short and i feel small
Counting stars again
Counting stars again
Counting stars again
Counting stars again
Counting stars again

My music range goes all over the place. So I get inspired by anything. This spoke to me. It’s about 3:59, I have to get someone around 9ish, wake up at 8ish to shower then I have to have someone here and do repairs on my house all day. Joy. Maybe I’ll try and sleep. Maybe.

When I do go to bed tonight, (if I actually do) these are the kind of stars I’d like to see. Happy ones! Goodnight/good morning fellow bloggers. Like I said, a real post is coming tomorrow, technically today since it’s 4:11 AM on Saturday morning on the East cost so I promise you will get one from me!

These images are exactly why this blog is called by Happy Place. Even a couple images like that make me happy. They should just bring a little smile to your day too. The song I posted was a little deep but whatevs.

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing

Jack Johnson really had it right when he wrote that song. There’s one thing you must know about me. I HATE WAITING ON PEOPLE. I had to post for two reasons. One because I’m pissed I’m waiting on someone to come home.



My sister and I were kind of arguing so I made up with her, so my heart feels a little lighter because of that. Plus I have amazing girlfriends that I can call and be like. What the fuck are we bitching about? We’re awesome! This, this, this, and this may suck, but there’s always a thunderstorm before a rainbow. Right, bitches?


(What, I couldn’t put a regular rainbow in there. I googled “trippy rainbows”)

So I guess that’s it for me. I can’t think of anything else to post. I think I’ll let song lyrics will let take over my thoughts.

One other thing to add… here’s the weather forecast for metro Detroit this week. EEEEE!5_Day_Forecast