I need to get in a happy place NOW

There is so much bad shit running through my mind right now. A lot of unknowns. I won’t get into specifics. But if what the unknown is what turns out to be what I think it is, then I’m going to be like *poof* pissed the fuck off. Aside from that, I’ll be extremely hurt, heartbroken, amongst another things. So, like I said, without being so specific here (because I really have absolutely no idea what really is happening at this point, contact unknown) I just really need to get my mind elsewhere. So, it’s here. Here it is. In my happy place. Here goes it. Here it goes.

Work this week. MIND FUCK. I think I mentioned this before, but I sit RIGHT NEXT TO MY BOSS. This is a huge problem for me. Mostly because I’m always somehow getting sales and numbers or whatever the fuck they want this month, but never at my desk. Hmmmmmmm…………..I just kinda float. So now that my boss can see me AT ALL TIMES, he can literally see me, at all fucking times. He keeps watch on me. He told me today I’m his project. Whenever he sees me talking to other people he shoos me away from them. I guess that’s good. I’m just trying to get someone to smoke a cig with me TO BE HONEST.

Then some other fuckery happened. A good, good, person got let go. Fuck this place. FUCK this place. UGH. I walk around with a target. Why am I not gone? I’m waiting for it. It’s my ammo for another gig. Ugh, I hate new jobs. I’m so fucking weird. I’m SO fucking weird. Whatever.


I’m really glad my dog is getting along with 1 of these 2 cats. The other went crazy and attacked me and the dog so it went to bed with my friends daughter who I am watching along with her house for the night. I had to bring my fur baby along too! She had so much fun in the car! Weeeee!


I took like 8225895828982023093owiotei (an estimate) pictures of her with her face out the window smiling! She looks so happy! Weeeeeeeeee Maizy!

Okay, so the thing that I don’t know about if it’s a thing I don’t know about. I’m just going to figure this whole shishkabob out in the morning. I’m totally stealing wifi from my friend who is actually stealing it from someone else. Hacker life.


Wow internet broken 

So my internet has been temporarily disabled. Which is why I haven’t updated my blog. Epic fail. Man. I have been trying to stay in a positive mind set and it’s actually working. 

Yes I just pulled that one. 

I also just want to add that I repaired a broken friendship recently and it feels nice. Taking things slowly of course but I’m glad we are back in action. I’m upset we ever were apart but sometimes we all need space. For whatever reason or another we all have our moments, and I respect that because shit, I damn sure have a hell of a lot of moments. 

Also, my amazing hello kitty soul sister sent this to me via US Postal Service! Yes, it still exists! 

Well if I haven’t eaten up too much data I’ll post. Tags later at work. Hehehehe. 

I think this is my best post EVERRRR! 

Omg today was PERFECTION. 

In addition to being completely pissed off from people just not knowing how to do their jobs at all, I just get told all day long how hard I need to try. Just push, push, push. It’s the end of the month. Come on! Let’s rally! Woo! 

I get it. I do. But like, do you get it? The struggle is real in the sales world. 

I listen like a champ. But do I really “listen?” No. I don’t. This is what I hear. 

And finally, and most importantly….

I mean, it’s kinda funny. Don’t you think? I don’t give a shit at this point how many people love me or hate me here, there, or anywhere. You can’t please everyone. Well, technically speaking you can. They’re called hoes. 

You have friends. Frenemies. And enemies. I am drawing the line. You’re either in, or you’re out. No in betweeners. If you don’t have me all the way, I don’t want any part of you jn my life. My life comes with a lot of this: 

It feels so good to vent to the Internet. Especially since I’m on the verge of a mini panic attack. *Whew* 

I love you. 

Exchanging a few quick texts with my bestie of almost 25 years inspired this post. I love you. No matter where my heads at, and vice versa, we say some dumb shit to each other and can still put a smile on each others face. 

Oh Monday. We meet again.

There’s just something about Monday’s I hate. I know I’m not the only one. There’s a reason The Bangles sang, “Manic Monday” because well, it’s always a fucking hot mess and they suck. I got a bunch of totally awesome Monday pics.


I had to start off with that one because my bestie text this this morning about how much coffee she was going to need this morning. I did too, but because I didn’t sleep at my house, or have time to make any, I settled for Kool Aid until I got to work and got my hands on the unlimited supply of free coffee & tea. (Every flavor and strength too!)


Since all I do is bullshit with peeps on the phone, I really wanted to say this meme/phrase but I couldn’t. Damnit.


Honestly now that my seat at work has been moved at work it’s been great
My motivation has been through the roof since I’m not surrounded by people who want to bring me down and who think they can boss me around and tell me how to live my life. The one time I say NO, I can’t be your “friend.” Im now a piece of trash.


Rise above. That’s the only way I can survive. Rise above. Get over yourself.

Anyway, that’s enough of that. I’m over Monday.


Oh and last, but most certainly not least THANK YOU for supporting my blog! I know it’s new and I’m just starting to launch this, but you all have been very encouraging a supportive and I appreciate the reads, the likes, the follows, or however WordPress does it! Thank you! You’re amazing!!!!


Yay! Rainbow Membership!


I’m getting my club metro membership because I’m at motor city casino tonight in downtown Detroit! They have a promo going on for an hour of free play for members. Plus my “friend” that referred me accrues all the points on his membership card that I do tonight as well.

This is why I’m referring to it as a rainbow membership.


It looks like tie dye, which is like one of my most facoritest things ever ever. So, I’m totally just having a tits of s good time.

Where was I going with this?

Most blogs are to vent and be all splish splash in haterade. I’m taking all my emotions straight to the net int the form of positivity. See it, think it, believe it. Example.

This morning it’s cold as fuck. No surprise there, it’s Michigan. But, as I pull out on the road early as hell (I’ve been getting to work early to do campaign build so it won’t take away from my phone time — yeah weird, and productive.) But anyway, the sky looks so beautiful, and cotton candy like.

sunrise sunrise1

It’s kind of pink & purple which I ~*love*~.

So work was decent I guess. I tried to stay in my own zone despite what else may be going on. I had a few appointments already scheduled today which were guaranteed sales, and I made a couple of cold calls which turned into sales as well.

Also, another bonus of the day:


I passed driving school! Yay! I was offered driving school back in November instead of getting points on my license. Of course I looked for the easiest one I could find, and I waited until the last possible minute. My deadline is TOMORROW. (I got the ticket November 9, 2014… oops!) She also reached out to me about advertisement and I told her I would get her assigned to my book at work and we could work together. Now neat is that? Maybe with her help I might make some of that Secretary of State money back in commission. That would be nice.

I’m only *slightly* bummed because today I had to move my desk out of my comfort zone. But hey, I don’t mind. It gives me a whole new perspective of things. I miss all my ninjas I used to sit with but I guess I need to refocus my energy. Like this guy:


I’m so excited to do it all again tomorrow! Yes! Another day living the dream!

Speaking of dreams, if unicorns were real would be their anatomy.


Ah shit! What the hell am I talking about? Unicorns are real! I am one! Bitch!

I think I did a little bit too much of this while writing this post since I have to wait up for someone to get home and pick them up. Weeeeeee!


Listening to: Deadmau5 & Kaskade, “I Remember (Remix)”