Lack of updates, let me catch you up to speed.


So my last post was about how my aunt and uncle wanted to purchase me eye surgery. Well, on December 16, 2016 I went under the knife and laser and I had PRK surgery. I did not qualify to have LASIK eye surgery since I am in the top 1% in the entire world with the worst nearsightedness. I always knew i was the top in the world at something. LOL. Now they explained that there would be really bad pain involved, like razor blades in my eyes. However, I experienced NONE of that. However the first day I decided I was well enough to wear eye make up I ended up tearing my retina. I had to have the tear removed a couple of days later. It just felt like there was a piece of sand in my eye. It was pretty uncomfortable. It happened the night of Christmas eve, so Christmas day I was pretty miserable.


Also, as of November 26 I entered into a new relationship. It’s with someone I’ve known since I was in middle school. We didn’t go to the same school, we went to competing schools, but he played hockey and I figure skated so we were always in the ice arena together. Funny thing is I always thought he was stuck up because he would never talk to me, but his friends would talk to me and we would always be around each other. It turns out its because he’s had a major crush on me ever since then. Well it turns out last February I asked him on Instagram if he was single, and he never got back to me. Then last Labor Day I hit him up and he was up north. He told me when he got the message he started freaking out, like “This girl I’ve been in love with is hitting me up, asking me to hang out and I’m up north, she must be fucking with me.” But even after that message it still took us a few months to finally hang out. I was nervous to hang out with him alone at first, so I took my friend. I was shy, and it seemed like he liked her more than me, because they were chatting it up. It turns out they have 2 really close friends in common, so they used to hang out a lot more back in the day, where as we would only hang out back in middle school, and back then he never used to talk to me!


We started hanging out more and more, and then by November 26 he officially asked me to be his girlfriend. Now when I tell you this next part, you’ll automatically assume it’s like my past relationships that I’ve blogged about however, I promise you it’s not. In January, he got sentenced to 6 months in jail. However, this is from a case he caught in 2015 long before we were together. I told him to turn himself in because I didn’t want to be with someone who is dodging the law. I get pulled over for speeding a lot (I just got a ticket on Monday) and I don’t want to be responsible him going to jail. So, he did what I asked of him and he turned himself in. Out of his 6 month sentence, he will only end up doing a little under 2 months in jail. He went in at the end of January, and he will be out March 22. 3 weeks from today!! He’s NOTHING like the other guys I’ve been with. He makes me feel like the most important girl in the entire world. I have self esteem issues and he makes sure he tells me every day how beautiful I am, and he loves me so much. I go and visit him every week at the jail for an hour on Saturdays.

I wanted to try and figure out how I could be the one to pick him up when he gets released, however I am scheduled to work that day, and I don’t have vacation time until June. My HR manager is a pushover and she’ll sometimes let you take vacation time early. So yesterday I wrote my boyfriend a letter that I was going to ask to take a vacation day early, but I was a little hesitant to ask. I had to email her about my insurance, so I just flat out ask what was the chances I could get a vacation day early? Like 3 months early? She said SURE. So when I went in her office, I just flat out told her the reason why. However, I made it seem like there was NO ONE there to pick him up, and if I didn’t go he would have to sit there all day. Which isn’t true. I just wanted to be the one to get him. He also wanted to surprise me when he got out and bring me flowers to work. But I got to do the surprise first! So it’s a paid day…. 3 weeks from today.

That Wednesday I’ll have off but get paid for it, then I’ll work my regular hours Thursday. Normally I have Friday’s off because I’m the only one who works Saturday. (We’re only open for 6 hours on Saturday) However that weekend when my babe comes home he wants to go away up to Frankenmuth for the weekend. So I had to get someone to cover my Saturday shift which is super hard to do because none of my coworkers ever want to do it. I struck a deal with my one coworker. She’s going to work my Saturday because I’m covering for her in May when she goes to Florida. But, since I don’t want to miss any hours I’m going to work 6 hours on my day off (Friday) so I’m going to work 8:30-2:30, then my boo and I are going to hit the road by 3:30ish, and we should still be ahead of rush hour traffic. Technically, I don’t have to make up my missed hours. However, I’ve been super broke lately, and I might as well just work the god damn 6 hours. I really don’t have to do anything while I’m there, just make a few phone calls per hour.

My sales were way down for February. I spent a lot of time in the hospital last month. (I can’t believe it’s already March 1st) I only ended up selling like 14 cars, and I’m usually at a minimum of 20. So my other coworker actually beat me, and that NEVER happens. I’m usually always in second place next to my team lead, and it’s been that way ever since I started. But this month I missed so much work due to my mystery illness. Don’t worry, I am definitely not letting it happen again. On the plus side, I still have a higher average of appointments per day than her, so I get paid out higher, so even though she sold a couple more cars than me, I’ll still be getting a higher check than her, and to me, that’s all that matters. I’m soooo fucking competitive.


As I mentioned, last month I spent SO much time in the hospital. I went a couple of times, and they sent me home. Then I went one day, they sent me home, but kept me off work the next day. Then that night I went back to the hospital, but then they kept me for a few days. I had so many scans, x-rays, and even a few procedures done where they had to knock me out. The scary part was I was by myself most of the time because both of my parents were working. My dad did come visit me Saturday while I was in the hospital, but I was in there since Wednesday. They did a procedure on me where they had to knock me out, and before they did they started asking me a series of questions like if I had to be brought back, do they have my permission, or if I need a blood transfusion, do I accept, and I just wanted my mommy at that point. I felt very drowsy from the sedation, and I think I might of even mentioned my mommy, and they said we can call her. I said no it’s okay she’s probably busy at work. Plus, they had 5 patients waiting to do procedures on and I was the first one to go, and I didn’t want to hold them up. They told me they were going to give me something to calm me down, and the next thing I knew I was waking up and the procedure was over and they were taking me back to my hospital room.

The hospital stay wasn’t all bad. I mean, aside from smelling super bad from not showering, being super uncomfortable, being hot as hell then cold as hell, not being able to sleep, my stupid machine going off every 5 seconds from not keeping my arm straight, just to name a few. But I was on a diet where all I could eat was popsicles, pudding, and jello. It was fantastic. They were giving me soups too which I was all excited to eat because I love soups, but they PUREED THEM. They were absolutely disgusting. One taste of it and I almost barfed. I was barfing a lot anyway, so it’s not like it was just the soup. I don’t have a definite answer of what’s going on. It’s a combination of problems. Mostly the medication I have been taking for all my fucked up-ness. They had to change the sleep medication which I have relied on for so long. (Trazadone) I’ve been taking it for so long and they said it’s what’s been making me sick. So while I was in the hospital, they weren’t giving it to me. They were going to keep me for another night, but my vomiting finally stopped so they discharged me. Me, not believing it was my medication, comes home and takes my medication and gets violently ill as soon as I take it. I literally threw up for 48 hours straight. I’d eat a popsicle and throw it up immediately after. They gave me anti nausea pills, and I’d throw those up too.

I couldn’t follow up with my psych doctor until this past Monday so my sleep has been fucked up. They changed my meds, and they put me to sleep right away, however they don’t keep me asleep. Last night, I went to bed right at 9:00 but by 2:30 AM I was wide awake. Same story tonight. I took the pills a little later and went to bed by 11. but I got up at 3:30 AM and now it’s 4:48 AM and I’m wide awake. I probably could’ve fallen back asleep tonight, however my phone started going off and it wouldn’t shut the fuck up. IT was also storming really, really bad. (Thunder and lightning) The dog was so scared she was crying and literally wouldn’t leave my bed.

As I mentioned, my phone started blowing up. So in the past I’ve mentioned my ex boyfriend evil, who isn’t so evil anymore. He’s just… my ex. I did some awful things to him about a year ago and tried to get him in serious trouble. Luckily it didn’t work, otherwise I would’ve jeopardized him being able to see his son, something he’s been working towards for the past 3+ years. We were hanging out around that time and had gotten into a fight, and I wanted to hit him where it hurts. Plus, he started making threats against me. Anyway, my phone started going off and it’s his new girlfriend. He and I have hung out a little here and there. Mostly me giving him rides to run errands, totally harmless and my boyfriend knows about it. I even gave him a ride to his new girlfriend’s house. Anyway, she messaged me accusing me that I wanted to make out with him. Im’ like whaaaat? I said I care about him a lot, I do, but not in that way anymore. I’m very happy you guys are together. She said something about how she knows my boyfriend is in jail and I’m trying to get with him. But then she proceeded to say he couldn’t remember if he dreamed that or not. I’m like please do not involve me in your guys’ conversations when they involve me, if you don’t even know if they’re real or not. You just woke me up! I went on to tell her that I was very happy he has her, and I even told him I want to meet her because she sounds great. He seems very happy with her (even though he told me the other day he tried to break up with her, so I’ve gotta ask him what happened to that.) I said that me, her, my man and myself could all get together. Evil and I started off as friends, eventually got into a relationship that turned into a disaster, became friends again, tried to rekindle our relationship which turned into another disaster, decided to just be friends, and that’s where we’ll remain. We were always better as friends. He’s in very poor health right now, and something very, very serious might be happening, so I try to check in with him every couple of days.

Also, I don’t really have any sort of a relationship right now with my “best friend” of 27 years. She started slipping off the deep end. What happened was she moved back in with her parents to save money, but couldn’t follow the rules her parents gave her. (She’s always been very defiant, she likes to test people and see how far she can push people) So, eventually they kicked her out. Since she started hanging out with my boyfriend and I a lot and she was close with him already, she stayed at his house a few nights and ended up meeting one of his friends. Well, from there she started staying at his house, despite the fact that she had a boyfriend. She started lying to me about stupid stuff, getting into bad stuff, spending money on god only knows what. Anyway, I stopped hanging out with her and only started spending time with my BF. When my dad went out of town she wanted to come over, and my dad specifically said she wasn’t allowed to come over. Our parents talk, so of course he would find out she came over. She only wanted to come over because she didn’t want her parents to know her boy toy was coming to pick her up, so she was just using me. I don’t want to be used by anyone. Fast forward to recently, she just stopped talking to me, and she was doing shady shit like disappearing from where she was staying in the middle of the night, and started talking nonsense to me. I just blew her off. She finally had a mental break and got some treatment. At least this is what she’s telling me. She said she’s been staying with a girl she met in treatment. I don’t feel like she’s being truthful at all. I can’t be around people like that. The only thing she’s been truthful about is it to tell me she got back together with her boyfriend.

Anyway, I think that’s all I’m going to update. I know there’s still more going on in my life but it’s 5:30 AM and I am getting kind of tired. I’ll promise to update more. Thanks for reading and staying faithful to my blog.


Eye have something to tell you 

Yes I spelled that correctly. So after my sisters wedding my aunt and uncle reached out to me to tell me they wanted to give me a gift. They said since they gave my sister a nice wedding present they wanted to do something nice for me as well. So what exactly are they doing for me?

Well here’s the back story. I’ve been wearing glasses since I was very young, and switched to contacts when I was very young. I’ve had eye problems all my life. I have wanted to get eye surgery however I am unable to afford it on my own. They decided they wanted to get it for me. 

I went in for a consult and found out I am not a candidate for Lasik eye surgery. They have to do a more complicated surgery called PRK. Lasik takes about a day to heal. PRK takes at least a week, and there is a lot of pain involved. I am going back next Friday, November 11 to have a full work up done. My surgery is scheduled for December 16. I am nervous and excited. I have no idea what to expect after the surgery as far as how well I’m going to be able to see. I hope I recover fast. I’ll be off for a week, which just happens to be the week before Christmas! Sweet! My aunt says she will come and check on me during the week and bring me food and stuff since I won’t be able to drive. 

I actually just watched my friends surgery since he had it done a few years ago. I think I can handle it. I think they’ll be able to record my surgery so I’ll definitely post it. I am looking forward to this new venture in my life. A life where contacts and glasses don’t exist. 

I also found out I fall into the top 1% in the entire world for the worst near sightedness. That’s how bad I am. 

I feel very blessed to have this gift given to me! If anyone knows someone who has had this surgery, or you’ve had it done yourself, please leave me comments on their/your experience! I am anxious and have no idea what to expect! Thanks! 


I realized I haven’t played since the wedding! So sorry! I went right back to work and have been busy ever since. The wedding was absolutely amazing! Thursday night before the wedding we did the wedding rehearsal so I got to meet some of that guys in the wedding. (I already knew all the girls, they were my sisters friends from college) Then Friday night we did our rehersal dinner. It was at a Japanese place. They did the thing were you have to try and catch a piece of food in your mouth and I actually caught mine on the first try. I’ve never caught anything before. It was super fun. Then after that I agreed to stay with my sister to start my maid of honor duties. We met some more people from mingling in the hotel bar. Then everyone started to get kind of tired so we went back to the hotel room. My sister started to get nervous. She couldn’t fall asleep so of course I couldn’t either. I think we both fell asleep around 4 AM but had to be up by 7:30 AM. As soon as I woke up I was full of energy and ready for wedding day! 

The girls came down to get their hair and makeup done. I was second to last so I just hung out and watched. I was ready for my full on glitz pageant look. My makeup took the longest because everyone else went for very subtle looks. I went overboard. 

Then for my hair 

It was like a curly side bun with jewels in my hair. This is like the only pic I have of the back of my hair. I don’t like to post pics of other people on here. So that’s why typically you’ll only see pictures of me on here. 

Oh so for my speech which I was totally nevous for was an absolute HIT! So many people complimented me on it afterward. It was short and sweet, funny and people seemed to really like it. I was worried I wouldn’t haven’t anything to say, however once I started writing on my notepad on my iPhone the words just flowed right out of me. It literally took 5 minutes. 

No one confronted me and asked me how I was doing or made me feel uncomfortable. No one had to ask if I was drinking because clearly I wasn’t. I stayed all night and wasn’t a Debbie downer. I had lots of energy and I felt so great and confident. So many people told me how great I looked. I can’t wait to see how all the pictures turned out. I hope I’m not making a weird face. 

After the wedding my 2 cousins from North Carolina stayed with me. We had fun since we don’t really get to see each other often! I miss them so much. The following day after sleeping on my hair and makeup I woke up and it was still on point. So we went to a brunch at my aunt and uncles and chilled there with the fam for a few hours. Part of my fam came home with me so my cousin could meet my doggie! She loves her!

I am so impressed by my coworkers dog sitting skills as well. Every time she came to check on Maizy she would stay for at least an hour and play with her, send me pics and made sure she was happy and not lonely. Something I wouldn’t have gotten if I boarded her. 

Sorry for the lack of updates. I had to delete The WordPress app from my phone to make room for wedding pics. Just remembered to redownload and update. 

I have to work a long 10 hour day today. But when I get home my dogs pumpkin sweater will be here. I hope she likes it and it fits. She’s going to be wearing it this whole week since I work late on Halloween! 

Hope you guys have an incredible week! I survived my first sober wedding and I CAUGHT THR BOQUET! 

How I just described myself

There’s no easy way to describe me so along with the drug addiction I also added I was diagnosed with manic depressive bipolar, insomnia and ADHD so even when a lot isn’t going on, a lot is still going on because everyday is a struggle. 

Dating isn’t easy and the sooner someone knows my cray, the better. I figured a nice understanding guy who gets treated like shit by girls is who is former military is potential. I had a thing with military guys in my past and they are very understanding people!! Very sensitive too!

But when dealing with addiction and mental illness, when do you come clean? When do you say this is my baggage? Cause it’s a lot of baggage. I mean even for me so I can’t imagine what it’s like for other people. 

The wedding is approaching and no speech. Gotta do that speech!! Fanboy 

Wedding week

It’s officially wedding week! One more week until my sisters big day! I’m getting so excited for her. Although I have to make a maid of honor speech and I haven’t started writing it yet. Wednesday sounds like a good day to start. I’m probably just going to jot some stuff down in my iPhone and go with it. I feel like everyone will be gossiping about what the drug addict black sheep of the family is going to say. (Me) So needless so say all eyes will be on me for a moment, so I need to make it a good one. I want to make it short and sweet, funny and light. At the same time I have no idea what to say or how to start it. I definitely don’t want to get emotional. Although somehow I have a feeling I will get very emotional. I hate weddings only because I turn into a big baby. I cry during vows, when the bride walks down the isle, cute moments during the wedding. Oh, even when they announce the bride and groom. I lose my shit. 

I have everything I need for the wedding. I was even able to score a last minute gift for my sister. I got her a white silk robe that says bride on it to get ready in on her wedding day. I scored a navy one for myself that says maid of honor. (That’s one of her wedding colors) I love ordering from Amazon. Ordered them on Friday, and they’ll be here by Sunday. I was so worried that when I didn’t order them last weekend they wouldn’t get here on time. 

I also did some shopping yesterday and got my dresses for the rehearsal. They were the first ones I tried on. They’re super cute, I like the way they fit. I might need to lend one to my friend for the wedding but whatever. I doubt anyone will notice they’re the same dress! 

So I’m updating while at work. Saturday’s are pretty slow. I’m not doing much. Just chatting on Facebook, taking the occasional smoke break. I paid the guys in the back to detail my car. It’s usually $165 but they charged me $20. I have him $40 cause I asked him to do some extra stuff for me, and he usually goes and gets gas in it so I don’t have to after work which is nice. My sister will be in town this week and if I have to take her around places, I’d prefer to do it in a nice clean car. 

It’s been raining like crazy here the last couple of days and he still took it through the car wash and shit. I guess that extra $20 means I’m getting a super clean car. I had to take the car in for service the other day too to get air in my tires. It’s nice working in a dealership. Never have to worry about my car again. Plus there is a ford dealership next door. So If there is something wrong with the tires, I’ll have them pop the spare on here and run it over to ford where I have tire protection. I’ll never have to pay to get a tire fixed. 

Anyway, just wanted to give you a quick update. This week will be busy. My sister and her groom will be coming in on Tuesday. I’m off from Thursday to Monday! Wedding is on Saturday! Will definitely have some pics! Talk to you later! 

Sick post 

I did the responsible thing and didn’t call off work when I was sick. Instead, I went to work and waited to get sent home. It almost back fired in my face. My boss isn’t very compassionate. Bad ass ex marine who doesn’t really give a fuck. I woke up with a fever and could barely get through a conversation without coughing my head off. So I made a doctors appointment at 2:30 hoping he’d let me go. At first he told me he didn’t care, so I cancelled it. Then he kept saying what about your appointment, I told him I cancelled it. He told me to call back and see if they can get me in. I said even if they don’t, I’m going directly to the urgent care. Well, of course they filled my slot. So here I am at the urgent care just waiting to be seen. There’s one other lady in the waiting room and I don’t know if she’s waiting to be seen, or waiting on someone. Better than an entire room of people I guess which is what I was expecting. 

Yesterday I spent the whole day in bed, in and out of sleep, tossing and turning, coughing, sweating, being miserable. I could not get any releif. To top it all off, all my dog wanted to do yesterday is bark ALL DAY LONG. I would tell her no, stop it. She would jump on my bed and stop for about 5 minutes before starting back up again. 

I should’ve gone to the doctor on Friday. However, I helped my friend move into her new house. That’s been on the schedule for a couple of weeks now. Couldn’t back out of that no matter how sick I felt. I actually lifted stuff. Didn’t think I’d actually be able to help, however I ended up being quite useful! The new house is amazing! I’m glad she got it. I haven’t been able to see it since move in day. I want to see it this weekend. I already told her I’m excited to decorate for Christmas time. It’s so big and lots of room to put stuff. She said she got most of the stuff unpacked which is quite impressive considering how much stuff she has. 

I also found some bad news yesterday. A girl I met in rehab a year ago just died on Sunday due to a heroin overdose. This caught me by complete surprise. I had no idea she was using again. She seemed like she was on the right track. She was posting  updates about how she was moving into a new big house and renovating it and stuff, looking for roommates and stuff. 

This comes as a shock because just Saturday I was just talking to a new friend about getting back into going to meetings. An old coworker of mines girlfriend is in recovery and takes it very seriously. I told her about my story, and how I used to do meetings. But lately haven’t been up to them. A lot of it has to do with is the ones I go to around here, all they do is talk about how much they miss using, or all the fun and crazy shit they did while using and it makes me miss it too. Another thing is I don’t have anyone to go with, a solid person to go with and I think that helps a lot. Someone to help me be accountable. But I think she could be a good asset. I wouldn’t mind going to meetings with her. Sure, she lives a good 25 min from me, but I used to drive longer distances to get high. I can drive that length to stay sober. 

I think it’s especially important now after the loss of a friend. She was such a sweet girl. I remember her being so shy her first day at rehab, not knowing anyone, and I called her over because I liked her hello kitty pants. And just like that, we clicked. She called me kitty. She was so sweet. And so pretty, she looked like a doll. I can’t believe she is gone. Just like that addiction takes another one. I know people are so secretive about their usage. That’s what makes me so scared about anyone really. We never know who is doing what, or how much. 

My best friend leads such a secret life. She even told me she does and she’s tired of it. She literally came to my house right before she tried to kill herself so she could say goodbye. She wasn’t successful thank god. But I mean you never really know what’s going through someone’s head. They can tell you, but their answer might be bullshit for whatever is really going on and what they’re trying to hide. How will we ever know? How could we ever help? Maybe that’s why I’m such an open book now. For such a long time I hid everything from everyone. Then I was faced with an intervention. I had to get real honest real fast. Then I was afraid to be alone, drive a car, be around certain people, work my old job. Suddenly my secret life became apparent and I didn’t want anything to do with it. So I created a new life. Much like I did this time after treatment. It took me much longer, (almost a year) but I’m doing it. Bottom line is that SECRETS KEEP YOU SICK. It’s something I learned a long time ago and it’s very fitting here. 

I don’t surround myself with any of my old people, my old job, my old connects, my old hang outs, anything. I have a new job where people don’t know the old me. I confided in my coworker who lost her sister due to addiction who tells me constantly how proud she is of me for pulling myself up from that life into something much better. It’s something that her sister wasn’t able to do. For a long time I wasn’t able to do it either. 

All I can really say I I never want to go down that route ever again. I never want to struggle with addiction. I’m struggling with a virus right now and it’s the worst. It’s miserable. I don’t even know how I did withdraws before. 

I think I’ll finish here. I feel like I’ve been typing forever and they haven’t called my name. I went from 87% on my iPhone to 67% and now there’s 2 more people in here who are waiting. (They BETTER be called after me. I was here FIRST!!!!) 

I hope tomorrow I feel much better and it’s a much better day all around. 

Long day

Today is my long day at work. However I traded my long shift (Thursday’s) for Monday. You see, I usually work 10-8 on Thursday and have Friday off. But that doesn’t leave much time to do anything Thursday night. So this is my last late Thursday. I came in at noon today since I’ll be working late Monday and its in the same paycheck and they’re crazy about overtime. So I got a little late start today! It was so refreshing after having some low energy last couple of days. 

So Tuesday after the holiday I was going to work and someone hit me. She got out of her car just to tell me she didn’t have insurance and drove away. I was pretty upset and by the time I arrived at work I was shaking. I couldn’t even punch in my password to the system.  My coworker saw me and she’s like you need to leave. She had one of my coworkers drive my car and another follow me in another car. I felt so fucking out of it. But as of today there is no damage to my car. The guys in my body shop whipped all the damage right out got my car looking brand new again! I offered them lunch but they didn’t want anything. 

I’ve also been talking to a boy. We’re not dating or anything. I definitely don’t think I’m ready for that. Especially since my dating track record is terrible. He’s nice, sweet, considerate, generous, all the things I’m not used to from my exes. I’ve never had someone concerned about me driving home on E and give me gas money just in case I need it. Or put gas in my car and buy me smokes, and dinner, just cause. I’m not a real big fan of getting gussied up and going out to dinner. (Okay, every once in a while, but not at first. I like getting comfy with someone first) We were chillin at my house and he was hungry but I didn’t want pizza, all I wanted was cheese bread. I told him I would pay for it myself because he wasn’t going to eat it. He insisted. I thought it was very cute. 

I also decided he could give me a tattoo. It’s a Taurus symbol. I’m going to get it shaded pink and get Taurus written under it. But I was feeling pretty ballsy. It hurt at first but as soon as I could see where he was going with the needle I was fine. I’m supposed to hang out with him when I get out of here. I have been staying out past my bedtime so much lately. Breaking my patterns. I think this is how normal people live. 
Anyway, my weekend plans look like this. I have to work 9-3 on Saturday. I have to stop at home for a minute after work to let the dog out since no one will be home. Then I’m going to stop over at my boos house and hang out with her. I want to take her to 5 below and find some cutie stuff for her new house. She’s moving next week! I’m so excited! I want to help make her new house look so cute! Yay! 

I have an hour and a half left. I think once I have an hour left I’ll go smoke a cig. There is no one else here to answer the phone. It hasn’t rang but I know the second I step away it will. Anyway, I thought I owed you all a post since its been a couple days. 

Oh can’t believe I forgot to tell you this. This past weekend I did acid and mushrooms. I didn’t feel them too much much I did trip a little. Definitely not as much as my friend (jealous) but I love tripping!

That’s all for now! ✌🏻️


My dog decided to jump on my bed at 4:00 this morning. She thought it was time to wake up and play. This is not what I wanted when I have a 10 hour work day ahead of me. Oh Maizy, you’re so crazy. 

Nothing really new has been going on with me. I decided to meet a guy off a dating site. He was nice, but I don’t think it’s going to work out. We might hang out this weekend, I’m not sure. This weekend my dad is going out of town so I’ll have the house to myself. Thank god. Sometimes it’s just so nice to be home alone. 

I need to start working on saving my money. After my dad blowing up at me yesterday like I’m 12 years old again, I’ve realized I need to get a game plan in order so I can move out. I can’t stand living here anymore and unless I start planning and saving, it’s not going to happen. I need to start making more money. 

I wish I still had my old place. Even with all the shitty things I had to deal with, at least I had my own place. Somewhere I could go and do whatever I wanted. However, thats how I fell off track and got into drugs pretty badly. Maybe I’m not ready to live on my own again. I don’t have much impulse control. 

I have been really responsible about making sure I take my Meds again. I’ve been staying on a pretty regular schedule as far as sleep goes. Except for today because my dog woke me up. That little stinker.

Also, at work yesterday we were doing our fall schedule. I got suckered into working every Saturday and having Friday’s off. I’m indifferent about it right now. I know it’ll be fine for a while but I’m not sure how much I’ll like it later. I told them I want at least 1 Saturday off a month. That’s the deal. My coworker was so happy I decided to do it so he didn’t have to. I feel like it’s whatever. I’ll do it until I don’t want to anymore. Saturday’s are a pretty easy day. I get to take all the leads, all the phone calls. Plus my boss isn’t there. Also, FREE FOOD. 

Plus I only work with one other person and they leave an hour before I do. My last hour of work I usually just watch Netflix. That’s what I did yesterday too. Since it was the last day of the month, no one called, they all just came in. If you’re in the market for a new vehicle, the closer to the end of the month the better. I call people with incentives and as the year goes on, the incentives get better and better as well. Just a handy tip! 

Ahhh im so hungry and I’m broke as a joke. The only thing I can afford today is a pack of smokes and a Gatorade. I’ve actually cut back on pop and only drink diet Gatorade now. My Meds usually make me super thirsty so I need to make sure I have something tasty to drink at all times. Plus, pop goes warm and doesn’t taste good. I can have a Gatorade on my desk all day and it still tastes just as good. 

Anyway, I think I’m going to end here. (So cute, Maizy just heard a doorbell on tv and went to the window and is barking. Good guard doggy!) Like I said, nothing too interesting going on with me right now. Have a good almost Friday everyone! 

Today wrap up

I was sure if I should make a new post or update the other one. But I don’t think the email subscribers would be notified if I didn’t make a new post.

 I got all my things accomplished today. I woke up, had my morning chill time as I already posted about. I felt pretty high and hungry by the time I got to work. I had to meet my mother down the street to pick it up, and she didn’t have it secured in a bag or anything. I was super nervous to drive with it. 

But I made it to work successfully! Everyone raved about it, much like last time. Here’s the final product.

I had some mac & cheese, walleye, chicken, potatoes, green beans, and 2 pieces of my moms cheesecake. Everyone wants her to make some for different events. I really wish I knew how to cook. I do make really really cute cupcakes. I buy the cutest mix and frosting, then experiment with food coloring and make them pink and purple. Or sometimes red and green for Christmas. I need to start doing more of that. All these posts come up on my Facebook about my old tie dying business. For what little resources I had at the time, I did a pretty good job at networking and getting my stuff all over the world! (Yes, WORLD) I know I’m capable of great success. I was just in a really bad place last year and I’m glad I found a job I love. (I feel like I say that all the time) 

But when you have such a huge past, it’s hard to return to normal life. Like fitting in at a job, actually having the drive to go to work, and perform. When something is up to me how much extra money I make on commission, I grind hard. 

Speaking of commission, they might roll out something new. If you have a personal best that month, you get an extra 10% bonus. Also, if the team as a whole improves, you get another 10%. I hope this happens. I get at the first of the following month, but since they won’t have final numbers in time for our payday on the 2nd, we have to wait until the 9th. I’m a little bummed about this. It was a really slow month for us in our department. For example, last month I had 17 cars and thus month I think i only have like 11-12. A lot can happen the last few days of the month though. Those salesman work really hard (and late) to hit better numbers for the month. They’re also having a contest with if we sell enough of 2 different cars as a whole, everyone who sold those cars gets a bonus. Lots of opportunities to make money. That’s what I like. I could see myself being here for a while, and hopefully eventually moving up in the company. I feel like I’m on the right track and the possibilies are endless. 

It’s hard living with many mental disorders. People who live with them know what it’s like. Sometimes we just don’t feel “normal”. I have to take medication multiple times a day in order to do anything, or to be able to fall asleep. I hate it. I have these little rituals I have to do everyday in order to either worry about how much sleep I’m going to get in a night, and I have to take my Meds by a certain time, so I can’t go out when I have to work in the morning because it messes with my routine. It’s so stupid. Then in the morning I feel like I have to be awake like hanging out for a while so I can chill for a bit  while my morning Meds kick in.

I specifically don’t take my adderall everyday because some days I don’t feel like doing anything. However, I feel like I’d be a hell of a lot more motivated to get things together. Like I usually don’t take it Sunday’s. Even though I don’t usually leave the house, I should still be around the house doing things like laundry, or cleaning out my room. But instead I lay in bed all day and veg out on tv. I know that can’t be good. Like I can only get out of bed and do shit when I have it in me? It freaks me out that it has that much control over me. Although I wish I was naturally motivated and had big life goals I’m trying to accomplish. But I just settle with living in the now and staying away from drugs. 

I’m on a good path, I am excited what the future holds. That’s the first time I’ve honestly said that in a while. I truly think next year is going to be a great one for me. I just want to set some minor goals and work toward them. Like id like to be moved out. I’m barely affording shit right now. I could cut back, I know. But I’m not motivated to move just yet. I’ve been back almost a year. (October will be a year since I got out of rehab and moved back home) it worries me that if I live alone,’I’ll be left to my own vices again and it could go horribly wrong. It already did once, and there hasn’t been enough time to not go back to those behaviors. 

Also, happy national dog to my sweet rescue dog Maizy!

This is her at my friends house. I just finished get appointment when my friend called this afternoon. I was out in her neck of the woods so I popped over with the pooch. Her son loves my dog so it was really cute to see him and get together. I got my pups nails trimmed, she got her Meds for fleas, heart worm, ring worm, and hook worm. These sound disgusting which is why I want to prevent her from it. She got vaccinated today too. 

Last year she only got a 1 year rabies vaccine, however this year she got one that’s good for 3 years. She still has to get another shot in a couple more weeks. I had to spread them up because today’s visit already cost me $81. If I added the other thing on it would’ve been well over $100, easily. So I declined. They told me in January she’s due for a teeth cleaning. They take her for the whole day and she has to be knocked out. I think she’d act really silly all high on Meds. She loves pot. One bad thing (among so many others) about being a (former) pill popper is that you frequently drop your shit on the ground. Maizy luckily doesn’t like pills. She will eat just about anything. She did eat her pill tonight right after she ate her dinner. (Or else she’ll get sick) 

I think I’m in for the night. I was supposed to clean my car out, but it’s right around the time I start my nighttime rituals that it might have to wait. I have to get up fairly early tomorrow because I decided to pick up a shift. Since I like my morning chill time, I have to wake up even earlier. I don’t have to start getting ready till 7:30, howver my alarm is set for 6:04. I’m just weird like that. Do any of you have any morning or evening rituals? Things you have to do before you go to bed or get started with your day? Or am I just weird and all alone on this? 

Alright yall, I have to find something to wear to work tomorrow and probably move my car. 

To idles ✌🏻️

Morning chill time

So I’ve had a lot of morning chill time (as I like to call it) and it’s been great. I usually start at noon on Friday, buy today I have off. Even though it’s the one day where I can sleep in, I always get up suuuuper early. Last Friday it was 5:30 AM and today it was 6:30 AM. Can’t a girl get a break? But for real though it is nice to chill in the morning, watch TV, cuddle my dog, and drink coffee. I might actually go get some here in a second so I can have a fresh cup while I’m getting ready. 

I already smoked weed today so I’m feeling a tad bit lazy. All I’m going into work for is to eat. So even though I’m starving right now, im going to wait until work to eat. 

I ran out and got my coffee. Now it’s time to get ready. I took Maizy with me to get coffee. She’s so good about getting in and out of the car. She doesn’t need her leash but I still put it on her. Time for me to get ready! I wish this post was longer so maybe I’ll update it throughout the day.