

It doesn’t feel like Friday but that’s what the calender says so we’ll go with it. FRIDAY MOTHER FUCKERS!


I’m a hypocrite for this meme because I just bought a shirt that says Fashion is my second favorite “F” word. Last but not least,  we have my favorite man of all….

friday4Oh you guys know I love my memes. Google Friday memes and, BOOM instant satisfaction that it’s Friday. Much like how Monday’s suck, and you Google Monday memes, and BOOM instant satisfaction that the world agrees that Monday’s suck.

I got a little money in my pocket from some work I did, so I went and kidnapped good. He stayed over last night and he’s going with me to my attorney meeting today to see if he’s going to take the case. I’m taking him with me because he’s a witness to all the stuff that happened AFTER the city supposedly cleared it. I told him you’re going to see me really bossy today.

I’m also going to dress like a professional whore. Let me break this down for you. I’ll be dressed nicely, very classy, with a touch of whore. Like a slit up my skirt and fully covered, but a little cleavage.  This is a guy, and he’s an attorney. I’m pretty sure he’ll have sympathy for a pretty little girl such as myself.


Ah the internet is great. Anyway, I’m having a hard time letting good all the way in because I’ve just been so fucked over in the last couple of months that I literally cannot take it anymore. I know he’s not that kind of guy though, but those walls that I talked about yesterday, I’m having a hard time breaking my own down to let someone in. Someone WORTHY of being let in my life. Good, innocent, considerate, caring, dude, do I need to go on? Maybe. I’ve never had one of the good ones. I did once, but not THIS good. It’s a different feeling, but I’m gonna go with it. I don’t really have much to blog about. I hope I get a chance to hang with my friend because I feel like we haven’t since I moved in.

Found this CD on my computer and I can honestly say I love every track and I want to cum all over Justin Timberlake’s face to this CD. Ughhhh, so hot. So many memories.


Especially this song. This goes out to all those who have harmed us either emotionally, physically, mentally, whatever. Karma bitch.


That’s a perfect picture of karma, don’t you think? I’m getting distracted by singing along to the JT CD. ADHD. Coffee helps. Coffee helps a lots. I’m listening to “Love Stoned” on the JT CD now and this was my JAM. In fact, it used to be my old usertag on twitter back when I was doing my online tie dye business. I should start hustling that shit again. Just an idea that popped into my lovely blonde head. Speaking of which, I need to get ready for my snazzy hopefully attorney. I am getting some bills and documents together. This shit it outrageous. Let me finish this post and let you guys read and enjoy my fuckery. I’ll let you know how this meeting goes. HAPPY FRIDAY MOTHER FUCKERS!


Frirdays are awesome

I had such a shitty day yesterday. If we are friends on Facebook, you probably saw my statuses and could tell something was up. I talked to my ex and he pretty much still has a hold on me. I found out he was in the area the other night. I felt compelled to say something even though I knew I would regret it. Why can’t I give up? Why can’t I let someone who is no good for me out of my life. My head tells me one thing, but my heart tells me another.

headvsheartMy heart always wins when it’s head versus heart. ❤

As humans all we want is to be loved. Even me. I feel like I’ve been broken and hurt so many times that even when I meet a nice guy, I run. I rarely meet nice guys though. That’s the first problem. My friend and I were discussing how nice guys are just too easy. We go after the bad boys because they’re more of a challenge. I guess that’s what its all about. The challenge. Anyway, switching gears to what I wanted to talk about.


After how horrible I felt yesterday, I really wanted to curl up in bed all day today and feel sorry for myself. That sounds pathetic, but my blog is about honesty. I couldn’t possibly do that though because it’s Friday, the weather is fantastic, and I should move the fuck on. Sometimes being ADHD isn’t all that bad because I have the ability to get the fuck over myself when I know I’m acting like a baby over some bullshit. I decided to turn my frown upside down and SMILE because it’s Friday.

My bestie called me and asked if I wanted to hang and watch her tater tots for her while she goes on a work dinner. I had to wait until the construction men got to my house before I could leave. Sure enough I get here, and she’s not even here! I called her and I was like WTF you’re not even here? I’m breaking in. (Not really, I have a key, but I still like saying that.) Since she decided to go to this event tonight I also had to bring some dress options for her to wear. I had to keep in mind that this is a WORK thing and I can’t dress her like a whore. I brought her the most mature dresses I could find. Hopefully one of these dress options work.

She just got home with her 3 kids which are pretty much my kids too. I’m glad we have each other to cheer each other up. We have been friends since we were 4 and we’re about to be 29 so I’d say she’s more of a sister. I then got a call from another one of my friends that asked me earlier in the week to hang out tonight. I of course forgot. She did go on for quite a while and made me feel like shit about it. She also told me she had the opportunity to go out of town the same weekend of my birthday because it was cheaper, but she didn’t because of me. At the end of our conversation she said well you won’t be seeing me for a while because I’ll be busy.

Really? Someone from her past recently came into her life and ever since that happened I knew I was going to take a back seat to their newly rekindled “friendship.” People forget things. We talked all this afternoon before I made these plans and she never mentioned it once, or the day before hand. Honestly, I think she’s just looking to pick a fight. I can’t stand when people behave this way. It’s completely unnecessary and I am not interested in entertaining this negativity.

To me it sounds like jealousy. I didn’t do one thing for you, because human beings forget things, and you tell me you’ve already replaced me out of your life. I can’t be everyone’s everything. I’m done entertaining this.

Well, my friend is making nachos while the kiddos play outside and I want to just get off the internet machine and enjoy the rest of my day. Put all this unnecessary drama behind me and just move the fun on. My birthday is in 5 days.

Blue sky action

blueskyaction blueskyaction1

I took full advantage of this beautiful day! I was such a bum yesterday and literally slept the entire day. I think I had some kind of bug or something. Needless to say it’s gone! I feel FANTASTIC today. My dog woke me up around 8 AM, probably because I never let her out last night. I got ready and jazzed up and make some phone calls. THEN here’s the fantastic part. I went to my old work to meet up with my friend and they had a pizza party for lunch, and she brought me some pizza! Haha take that fucktards! I’m hijacking your pizza party even after you fire my ass. Mwuahahahahaha. I also had it out with my HR department for never getting back to me about my paycheck, despite telling me yesterday she would. I called her, emailed her, then I finally said fuck it and called the main headquarters. Sure enough after I talked with them I got an email from her. I have clearly said to her that I just want to be done with the company already, and basically hurry the fuck up so I can go away forever.

I also heard some shady shit that’s going on at work. (No surprise) But my name is STILL coming up. Are you kidding? I mean come the fuck on. It flatters me that people give that many fucks about me, and that they keep bringing my name up this long after I leave. Get over yourselves.

Anyway, after I met up with my friend she decided it was way too nice outside to go back to work. (and my old boss knew she was meeting up with me…. what a bad influence) We hit up Walmart and I did enough grocery shopping for me & Maizy both that should last us a couple of weeks. My friend and I also decided to put on dresses. I mean shit it’s perfect dress weather!

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Oh also I fidoornally got my new front door and screen door! Yay! Ask, believe, and you shall receive. I swear when the sun is out, nothing bad can happen. I definitely think I had some seasonal depression, but you would too if you had Michigan weather. Spring tortures us with like one super nice day early on, then it gets cold as fuck for a few more weeks, then maybe another nice day here or there. We say if you don’t like the weather, just wait 5 minutes. It’s true, so when we get these nice days I really enjoy them.

The image of the song that I posted is one of my “happy songs” and today it was fitting. It was nice to have my sun roof open, blasting this song, hair waving all over the place, no fucks given at all. My “happy songs” are songs that I can listen to and they will instantly put me in a good mood. I have attached the video for your listening enjoyment. It’s house music, so it might not be your taste, but my taste is everything. You really should listen to it despite it not being your taste!

My mom also adopted a new dog today! She’s so fucking cute. Her name currently is Dot but they are working on another name. Here’s some pics of her! The other dog in the pic is my mom’s other dog Mr. Big. She wants to name this dog Carrie (from Sex and the City, Carrie and Mr. Big, so cute…anyway) but her boyfriend doesn’t want to. But they would be soooooooooo cute as Carrie & Mr. Big! (You can also catch a glimpse of my FAVORITE sandals in the first picture, courtesy of Victoria’s Secret from like 94850283509 years ago)

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Okay, well I wanted to update before I pop back over to my friends house. I really just feel like changing oearringsut of this dress and putting on my jammy’s but I guess I can show face for a little bit longer. I am already in this cute dress, and BONUS my friend’s sister pulled up and had a bunch of earrings, and gave me this pair because they match my dress! I just WON AT LIFE TODAY!!!I Okay, time to jet. I’m getting a new bathtub tomorrow! Yahoo!!!!!!!

Also thank you again to everyone who reads my blog. I do this as a therapy tool for myself, but it’s awesome that other people read it. I just want to raise awareness to the mental illness community and show that it’s not something we should hide or be ashamed of. This is who we are, and we deal with it. Sometimes I am bat shit fucking crazy, but most of the time I’m just misunderstood. As Madonna said, “This is who I am, you can like it or not. You can love me, or leave me, but I’m never gonna stop, no no.”

Free pony ride Friday 

I am wearing this gem today. It’s going to be a good day I think. I feel it. Right? See. Think. Believe. 

Tshirt courtesy of 5 below 

This post started at 7 am. Today has not improved. I’m pushing through somehow. It’s 6 pm and I have no solution to my problems. I’m so close to losing my job. I fucking don’t know if I care or not. I do for financial reasons. I’m just trying to stay around people today and not be alone because being alone with my thoughts is scary right now. 

I don’t know what direction to go. Up, down, left, right, sideways? Shit! Being fucking bipolar is confusing. Then being high on top of that. Then tired, don’t know what’s going on with this person, this property, this situation, fuck all this. 

But I am still trying, it’s not fuck all this. I’m not supposed to be thinking about this. I shall return later with better thoughts, and a more optimistic outlook. I’m actually looking up my horoscope. It’s Friday the 13th. No wonder. 

Funny. I did hang out with some kiddos today and went to the park to get my mind off things  it helped. We jumped over speed bumps and puddles too. It really helped to get to get my inner child on, and that was BEFORE I read this. How physadelic is that?