Look good, feel good? Trying.

Having a shitty ass fucking day, so I’m trying this whole mindset that if you look good, then you’ll feel good. Instead of laying around in my PJ’s, watching Netflix and being a bum, I decided to get cute as fuck and go out and about and run errands. We shall see where the day takes me.


I am going to take my pup to get groomed & get her nails trimmed and painted of course. Then there’s a store riiiiiiiiiiiight down the street I’m going to look for cheap flats for. Last year I got a bunch of cute simple ones for like $3 each. I’m also going to see if they have a collar for Maizy that’s really scary looking. Like black with silver spikes. It’s more for protection because whenever someone drives, walks, talks, does anything too close to my house she jumps up on the couch an looks out the window. If they are there for a long time, or she doesn’t like it, she’ll start barking. Most people are already afraid of her, so if I make her look even scarier, especially if someone saw her in my window while I wasn’t home. Yeah, they could still proceed, but she’s loud as fuck so she’s my little security system/door bell. I’m so happy we found each other. Maybe if she’s good at the store she’ll get toys and treats too. We’ll see because she gets SOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo exited, and she’s pretty strong, and heavy, and I have a hard time controlling her. (I refuse to get a choke collar) I just have to yell heel constantly and then she’s like oh yeah, and then 10 seconds later forgets. So cute.


This should be interesting…….. considering I also tried something to get happy. Hey don’t judge me… it’s only 4:40 PM and I got started around 4:15… hehehe


Sitting, Waiting, Wishing

Jack Johnson really had it right when he wrote that song. There’s one thing you must know about me. I HATE WAITING ON PEOPLE. I had to post for two reasons. One because I’m pissed I’m waiting on someone to come home.



My sister and I were kind of arguing so I made up with her, so my heart feels a little lighter because of that. Plus I have amazing girlfriends that I can call and be like. What the fuck are we bitching about? We’re awesome! This, this, this, and this may suck, but there’s always a thunderstorm before a rainbow. Right, bitches?


(What, I couldn’t put a regular rainbow in there. I googled “trippy rainbows”)

So I guess that’s it for me. I can’t think of anything else to post. I think I’ll let song lyrics will let take over my thoughts.

One other thing to add… here’s the weather forecast for metro Detroit this week. EEEEE!5_Day_Forecast

I can’t deal with anything today. 

There’s just a lot going on. I just really wanted to post these funny minion memes about the weather. They’re making my miserable day and mood .0001% better. It’s a start, right? 

Maybe I’ll return later with a better attitude and post. After all, this is my happy place blog. Yeah, I know. Positivity rules and negativity drools here. I’m trying. 

Did today even happen?

Today was honestly so insignificant that I am questioning its existence entirely. The only reason i know that this has to be real life is because I would never have this shitty of a dream, ever. My dreams, which are just plans for the future, look something like this:

I knew this was going to happen. A very good day at work yesterday, followed by a day of emptiness, no one answering their phones, or if they do answer, they just want to schedule appointments. I took my time building the shit out of some ads that were pretty boring in general, and should have taken me no time at all. But because it was so basic, and I had nothing to say about it, but nothing else to do really, I said a whole lot of nothing a bunch of different ways! *BOOM*

I really hope tomorrow isn’t the same. I’m trying to remain *positive* here, especially since my new desk is rightttt next to my boss. Right now we have like 1,9wet09tte0wa0-t9 (approximately) things are are supposed to do in a day. Then they give us more, so it’s a little hard to keep track of what the f is going on.

Why can’t they just be this clear as to what they want me to do?

It’s supposed to break some coldest record of -4 degrees tonight by getting down to -7. It’s really going to make me appreciate when it gets up to 29 degrees on Saturday. You know what else? It’s REALLY going to make me appreciate summer EVEN MORE.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh, summer. I looooooooooooove youuuuuuuuuuuuu. I remember you. Will you come back soon?

My dog keeps looking at me because she’s hungry and so am I. Luckily my saint of mother is coming over with some food for me & for my doggy! So I better get ready because she will be here any minute and my dog will attack the door.

Maybe today wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows for me because I wore all black? I bet that’s it.

This Day Could Have Been Shit


Like I said, this is my happy place! Today could have been absolute shit. I mean considering my car said it is -20 degrees and I have no water in my house! Yeah! Woo! I didn’t want to be negative Nancy today because I was yesterday with this water, and my landlord, and blah, blah, blah. I’m trying to put positive out there. Like this:


I had a decent day at work. Not my most productive, but it’s President’s Day and most offices are closed. So I got a few sales, scheduled a few appointments for the week, sent out a few emails, nothing too snazzy. But, I think that positivity I was spewing did work because *BOOM* guess what I won?


Yep. Just what I needed to splash up my gas tank for the week so I didn’t have to swipe my card and over draw it. I left work early because my landlord said he was at the house. By the time I got here the water was on. I left the faucets on so that if the water did come on it wouldn’t freeze again. It worked!


So FUCK YOU MONDAY for trying to fuck with me. Positive Polly over here won’t let it. Oh yeah, welcome to my first official post!

Listening to: Deorro featuing DyCy, “Five Hours”