People Pleaser

I just had a phone interview for this job that I really want. I felt bad because my phone kept breaking up and losing signal. But once we started, I blew their mother fucking minds. Of course I did. I’m me. So what did I do? I NAILED IT BITCH.

nailedit1I entitled this blog people pleaser because if you’re going to interview me over the phone for a sales position, I’ll sell the fuck out of myself. I’ll even shine your mother fucking shoes. Now I have to do this online assessment. I’m glad he told me it wasn’t timed because most people skip through it and don’t go through the next part of interviews.

THE ONLY REASON I’m a little nervous about working here is because someone I used to look up as mentor works there. He thinks I am the reason he got fired. So I’m nervous. We have always been cool together and I really hope this changes things. I want a fresh new start, and it’s comforting to know there will be someone I know. Just not comforting to know they hate me for the WRONG reasons. For my own sanity I may just set the record straight.

But anyway, this blog isn’t about him, it’s about me. YAY!


All the shit I have been through, it’s like someone is finally listening and giving me break. I’m going to do this assessment later because I’m a little dazed and well, yeah.


That’s more like it. Peace out bitches. Here’s a selfie for you!



Sorry for the lack of updates. I was in the hospital for what I thought was another kidney infection like before but it turns out I never had a kidney infection before. It’s some other infection they don’t know what it is. I’m seeing a specialist Monday. I’ve also been conflicted with my relationship which I’ll blog about maybe tomorrow. It’s intense. Anyway, I have a job interview with Ford tomorrow where my dad works. Keep you fingers crossed!!!! 


Afraid to commit

It’s no secret I’m afraid of commitment.Now I have someone who actually wants to commit to me, I’d like to commit to them, but I’m afraid. I feel like things will be different somehow. Like I am tied down. Not that I want someone else, but if I’m committed I don’t have that option of seeing what else is out there. Even though I know it’s mostly shitty men out there, and I got one of the nice ones. Do I commit, yes, no, maybe? I wish I had this:


But sadly, all I have is this…


I know he’s the one I want. He’s the one I call all day long to talk to. He’s the one I want to spend all my time with. He’s the one I can’t get enough of. He takes me out, tells me I still make him nervous, treats me like a queen, tells me how beautiful I am constantly. Why is this SO hard? Only because I’m making it.

In other news, I got a job interview for tomorrow. Sooooooooo……..


My laptop is going to die and I get shitty service temporarily. We’re calling about internet today. Thank GAWD.

Off to a good start. I think it’s my wardrobe 

I had my third interview today. I dazzle them with my personality. I was surprised they quizzed me on shit they talked to me about during my second interview which was going out in the field and doing a product launch. There is a lot of growth in the company. Although to learn the position Id ultimately be getting Id have to start at the bottom doing product launches which would require me to do driving to a bunch of different cities. Compensation for gas.

But I’m feeling great and it has to do with my amazing professional wardrobe. I have in this pink and reddish wrap dress with a feather print, bling now necklace, jet black tights and my Herman Munster shoes. I’m in the parking lot of the Michigan works office waiting for a call back so I’ll take some half ass pics. Oh and this pink satin coat is amazing. So many compliments.

Coat (it’s full length)


Pattern of the dress. I’ll try and update later with a selfie cause it’s worth it.


Herman Munster shoes. My mom says they look like the ones he wears on the show. I googled it before when she told me and she’s right. I’m not on wifi so this is taking forever so you can google that yourself.

Then here’s me with my cutie necklace and new aviators! I’m pissed about my hair though, it could be better

More clothing update!!!!!!!!!! 6:32 PM

Now I am out of my interview clothes because:

1. Why would I continue to look super cute when everyone has plans tonight except for me, so there’s ZERO point in looking cute or dressing up.

2. The porch was wet because it rained today and I fell in my heels RIGHT as I got home.

3. Leisure mode. See picture for reference:



Let me just add this in there that NOT having a job is actually more work then having one. You have to run around to all these places and constantly interview and whore yourself out there. Stay in touch with old business contacts and schmooze with them to get a hook up or two there. Not only that, but you have to go to the unemployment office and basically get a fucking stamp. Also, I have a social worker who I had to drive on the OTHER side of town (yeah, did I mention all the places I’ve been going to are not local) to help me file my paperwork for Medicaid, food and cash assistance. I mostly care about Medicaid so I can get my meds filled. The food would be nice too. As far as cash, ehhhh wellllll uhhhh yeah of course that’d be nice but I’ve got some side things lined up right now so I know my job is going to dick around with me on unemployment so I’m just going to be a dick back. I think I’ll be cool.



Second job interview

Real quick before I run in. I am on a test run for marketing products and shit so I’m actually out in the field today. Plus I have a second interview. There were 200+ applicants, 6 had interviews yesterday, 3 were chosen for this final interview and test run today. 

Can’t go wrong with this killer Kate Spade bow necklace and Calvin Klein flats. 




Job interview!

So after slamming the housing department on my fucktastic situation of a home, I got a call for a job interview. Hopefully it’s not bullshit because I have a lot of slamming outfits for it. Either way, I like taking job interviews because it let’s me brush up on my interviewing skills. Not that I have a hard time talking or anything, just in a professional setting. Basically what I want to say is look at my resume, I have done everything in every industry, just give me the god damn job already.

Even though the magnet on my fridge says otherwise:


I got a bunch of snazzy ass outfits from my mother AKA/my personal shopper/AKA my savior. I love her. I would take pics but I promised myself I wouldn’t try anything on until I was showered and ready to get the day going. Positivity.

This guy did come and do some work on my house and will continue to do a LOT of repairs on my house. Including all new windows and screens, new doors, they are doing molding around the bottom in my closet which I am super excited about. (My 2nd bedroom is a giant walk in closet. It’s the only reason I could have paid a lot less but I wanted it bad) Anyway, the money is in escrow because they have to pass their inspection. Oh well don’t fuck with me. Kitties have claws too.


I hung out with an old friend last night, and will all the bullshit that’s been going on in my life, it was refreshing. Definitely a long time overdue, but hopefully it won’t take 290898te9u years later for us to hang out again. I’ve been needing people, not like needing, but different experiences. People are cool
