Quick update

I just got the WordPress app working on my iPhone. What I wanted to say is I’ve been thinking a lot today about how I’ve alwayssss wanted a dog. I was never allowed to have one because my dad wouldn’t let me. But when I moved out last year, she’s the first thing I got. We’ve grown close over the past year. I’ve gotten to know her personality more, but I’ve also noticed why they call them mans best friend. LOYALTY. This dog is so loyal to me. So, I’m sure a lot of you have children, but my dog is my child. I always knew I never really wanted kids, turns out all I wanted was a dog. I’d be a horrible mother, but I’m a great dog mom. I say I’d be a bad mom because there’s a huge chance if I had a kid, they could end up like me. That’s one thing I don’t want to put someone through. Mental illnesses and addiction. Noooo way. I may never get married. But your animals are loyal and loving whether your single or not, if you have a mental illness or addiction. She can totally sense when I’m having a bad day, if I’m in pain, sick, going crazy. 

Don’t you just want to squish that face? I love having this app on my phone because I can blog a lot more often. On the go, more day to day adventures. I don’t have a job right now (will explain later, maybe) so there’s lots of time for cuddles, kisses and job hunting! 

I’ve applied for tons of jobs. All different types. I hope that by applying now, most companies are waiting until the beginning of the year to hire. So hello, happy new year, give me a new job! 

I am so excited to put this year behind me. I have wasted so much time and money being unhappy this year. I need to get my mojo back. And by mojo I mean my happiness. This, my happy place. I used to be so good at tuning out the bullshit and going inside my own space that I was just happy in. My little bubble. Was it all the drugs though? Guess I’ll have to find out by trying to get back my little happiness bubble. 


Self explanitory


Today I came to blog just to get somethings off my chest. This post is dedicated to all the stupid ass mother fuckers who have hurt me in my life. The ones who have broken my heart, used me, abused me, fucked me over, stole from me, or done me wrong in some kind of way. I DON’T FUCK WITH YOU. I’m done with it. I’m loyal as fuck. I will have your back even after you’ve done me so wrong. But I’m standing up for myself, right here, right now. No more. Someone, please, try and mess with me now. I fucking dare you.