Broken as fuck


Here’s a pic of one sick patient comforting another. My dog has an ear infection and I broke my tooth today, and fell down the stairs twice the other day. My knees are all cut up and bruised as fuck along with my left elbow. I can’t get in to see a dentist until the morning. Luckily I have weed and some leftover pain medicine and I can barely feel it, but the fact that I still can is crazy because I shouldn’t be in pain right now. Anyway, I’m really falling apart right now because I fell down the stairs too. I’m legit fucked up. I haven’t been taking my medication and I know that hasn’t been helping. My bipolar has been out of control. I know I grind my teeth a lot and I have mini seizures which is why I think my tooth broke. It’s honestly my biggest fear and I’m freaking the fuck out. I want to jump out of my skin. I’m so afraid to look and I haven’t even looked. My friend and good looked at it and said it wasn’t even that bad but I saw the piece in the gum that it broke out in and it looked big but I probably exaggerated. I made good come and stay the night with me because he was already with me when I was at my friends house. They live close by and he took us to the dispensary so it  just so happened that he was with us when this happened. Then her man or just roommate depending on the day made pasta which warms the soul. It was like white cheese macaroni with feta and bacon and tomatoes. So delish. I miss her. I told him I wasn’t going to be a very good patient and not to get offended because he’s sensitive and emotional. Anyway I took some selfies before I broke my tooth and I just ate some pot from the dispensary. This time I had a strawberry giant gummy bear and of course it was all delish.

today2 today3 today4


So good spoiled me today. 


 Some hello kitty stuff for my car to make it cute. I haven’t felt comfortable in it since my ex fucked my car up a few months ago. Anyway, it’s the simple things I guess. He also got me some new outfits for my trip to Chicago next weekend! 



Yes anyway I will be in Chicago next week! Family reunion! (Moms side) I’m so excited to see everyone. Then my favorite aunt is driving back with us and staying with my mom for a week. She lives in North Carolina so I don’t get to see her as often as I’d like. I know it’s kind of mean to say she’s my favorite, but we have taken trips together and bonded more so than my other cousins. She had a massive heart attack out of the blue a few years ago and was actually dead. Waiting to hear back was the most intense thing ever. But she followed the doctors orders and is in good health. Speaking of…..

So I have a serious stomach/GI problem that I need to change my entire life and diet. That’s why I was hospitalized twice. I have to take better care of myself. No one is watching out for me but me. My grandma died too young because she didn’t take care of herself. My doctor said I’m too young for this and this should be a wake up call. Holy fuck. 

Good got me some edibles from the dispensary and we laid in the pool and giggled. I actually lifted my 85+ pound dog into the pool for a swim. She was crying bc she wanted to come in so bad. My princess has been so good since I’ve bed watching my dads house this weekend. My roommate was out of town so my house was empty, but my dad has a pool so I decided to stay in his empty house. I rummaged through some stuff and found my hello kitty contact case!

Oh, I also saw they sell this at Meijer. Is this an all hello kitty post?

I also got a perfect marijuana smoking device as a gift. Both rainbow and pink. Check it out.

So that’s why this is called spoiled bc that’s how I feel. Hope everyone had a nice weekend. I just baked chicken for the first time! Don’t judge me. 


4202 Well today is a magical day for stoners. It’s our holiday! Not like we don’t celebrate it everyday or anything. But today we get to dedicate our entire day to the fact that we love to smoke pot. We’re entitled to that. Shit, we celebrate George Washington & Abe Lincoln’s birthdays, we should celebrate this too!


I’m dressed for the occasion as you can see.

I am going to take this opportunity and post to talk about why weed is great and how it has helped me with my mental illness. I know it’s still technically considered a “drug” but that’s something the government wants us to believe. Some people just have a problem with it because it’s illegal, and don’t even consider the benefits. It’s fucking SCIENCE. I don’t give a shit what the fucking law says, it truly has helped me.

I know that I’ll probably be on medication for my mental illnesses for the rest of my life. Harsh chemicals in my body for the rest of my life can’t really be healthy. I choose to smoke weed because while yes, it still is smoking, it’s fucking natural bro. You can’t tell me that a plant is harmful to my heath. You can’t tell me that something natural is way better than something man made out of poison. You can’t tell me that despite it being illegal, it doesn’t help me.


When I smoke, I get relaxed. I laugh, I say stupid shit, other people laugh. I get hungry. I get lazy sometimes. But there’s never been a single time in my life where I’ve been so high off pot that it has destroyed something, ruined my life, injured someone, or anything NEGATIVE. It’s not addi420ctive. It’s fun, and it makes me feel free. I DON’T SEE ANY SERIOUS PROBLEMS HERE. Have you ever read how many side effects are on one medication? I’m on like 6 different medications. How can this be good? You know what side effect should come with every bag of weed you buy? Warning: May cause extreme happiness and hunger. Order tacos before use, and get on the internet machine and Google image search unicorns for instant LOLz.

I know I’m not a fucking doctor, and I haven’t done all the research. But I’ve researched and experimented enough to know that there’s nothing harmful, dangerous, bad, or negative about smoking weed, other than the negative stigma our government has given it by making it illegal.


It pisses me off that pot is illegal. For example there is a local ordinance in Ann Arbor that allows you to just get a ticket for possession of weed instead of going to jail. However, there are also state cops that have more authority who will patrol the same areas as the local police just looking to bust people for small time marijuana charges because it’s an easy bust. Seems like a total waste and allocation of government resources, doesn’t it? THAT’S BECAUSE IT IS. There are so many people in jail right now for small time marijuana charges, and REAL criminals are out on the streets. You couldn’t possibly spin this to make it right because it’s wrong. SO WRONG.

mipotI am happy that Michigan does support medical marijuana. When this was being proposed into office I was in a lot of political groups at the time to help raise awareness to voters on why they should pass it. I’d like to think it was my way of giving back to my community as a stoner. All of our hard work that year paid off because Michigan passed the bill! I am fully qualified to get my medical marijuana card, it just comes down to the fact I don’t have money right now. It’s something my doctor and I discuss, because I have always been open & honest with my doctor about my pot use. I think it’s important for him to know I use it because it will directly effect how he medically treats me. He can’t prescribe it himself, but he has given me all the necessary paperwork and list of physicians who can help.

Also, here’s some fucking food for thought…. (literally)


Yeah, suck on those nuts!!!


Thank you all for reading my stoned rant/blog today. Maybe you learned something, maybe you didn’t. Perhaps you agree, or disagree. It’s even possible that you’re so fucking high right now you can’t even comprehend what I’m saying at all, and the words are floating off your computer screen. (If you are, message me, I want your dealers #….) But in honor of today I felt as though it was important to blog about it. Smoke on friends. One love. ❤



4/20 UPDATE 10:08 PM EST:

The day has been great. I managed to get out of my house and pick up some 4/20 supplies at a super good deal. Some of the swag included this:


Pure medical grade buddy. I don’t fuck around.


200 MG of pot per cookie. STRONG AS FUCK. I got 2. Shared half now I’m going balls deep on this one. My friend also picked up a pipe to smoke wax out of that looks like Master Shake from Aqua Teen Hunger force, and it’s totally rad, and gets you superrrrr weird.


THEN as I was pulling up I decided to check my mail, and guess what arrived? A check for $198.10 to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

checkI don’t even work there anymore and they’re still paying me and sending me checks, paying my unemployment, and I have free state insurance. Well I’d say getting fired has really done a lot of good for me! You are qualified for all these free programs! And bitches be paying you like what upp!!! Yay for 4/20 and it almost being my birthday. I changed my wallpaper today on my iPhone! YAYYYYY!


An interesting article I found about. Michigan Voters Could Legalize Recreational Marijuana Use In 2016 Election

Fun video to awesome song and a bunch of shit I wish I could do. ENJOY MOTHA FUCKERS!