Sick post 

I did the responsible thing and didn’t call off work when I was sick. Instead, I went to work and waited to get sent home. It almost back fired in my face. My boss isn’t very compassionate. Bad ass ex marine who doesn’t really give a fuck. I woke up with a fever and could barely get through a conversation without coughing my head off. So I made a doctors appointment at 2:30 hoping he’d let me go. At first he told me he didn’t care, so I cancelled it. Then he kept saying what about your appointment, I told him I cancelled it. He told me to call back and see if they can get me in. I said even if they don’t, I’m going directly to the urgent care. Well, of course they filled my slot. So here I am at the urgent care just waiting to be seen. There’s one other lady in the waiting room and I don’t know if she’s waiting to be seen, or waiting on someone. Better than an entire room of people I guess which is what I was expecting. 

Yesterday I spent the whole day in bed, in and out of sleep, tossing and turning, coughing, sweating, being miserable. I could not get any releif. To top it all off, all my dog wanted to do yesterday is bark ALL DAY LONG. I would tell her no, stop it. She would jump on my bed and stop for about 5 minutes before starting back up again. 

I should’ve gone to the doctor on Friday. However, I helped my friend move into her new house. That’s been on the schedule for a couple of weeks now. Couldn’t back out of that no matter how sick I felt. I actually lifted stuff. Didn’t think I’d actually be able to help, however I ended up being quite useful! The new house is amazing! I’m glad she got it. I haven’t been able to see it since move in day. I want to see it this weekend. I already told her I’m excited to decorate for Christmas time. It’s so big and lots of room to put stuff. She said she got most of the stuff unpacked which is quite impressive considering how much stuff she has. 

I also found some bad news yesterday. A girl I met in rehab a year ago just died on Sunday due to a heroin overdose. This caught me by complete surprise. I had no idea she was using again. She seemed like she was on the right track. She was posting  updates about how she was moving into a new big house and renovating it and stuff, looking for roommates and stuff. 

This comes as a shock because just Saturday I was just talking to a new friend about getting back into going to meetings. An old coworker of mines girlfriend is in recovery and takes it very seriously. I told her about my story, and how I used to do meetings. But lately haven’t been up to them. A lot of it has to do with is the ones I go to around here, all they do is talk about how much they miss using, or all the fun and crazy shit they did while using and it makes me miss it too. Another thing is I don’t have anyone to go with, a solid person to go with and I think that helps a lot. Someone to help me be accountable. But I think she could be a good asset. I wouldn’t mind going to meetings with her. Sure, she lives a good 25 min from me, but I used to drive longer distances to get high. I can drive that length to stay sober. 

I think it’s especially important now after the loss of a friend. She was such a sweet girl. I remember her being so shy her first day at rehab, not knowing anyone, and I called her over because I liked her hello kitty pants. And just like that, we clicked. She called me kitty. She was so sweet. And so pretty, she looked like a doll. I can’t believe she is gone. Just like that addiction takes another one. I know people are so secretive about their usage. That’s what makes me so scared about anyone really. We never know who is doing what, or how much. 

My best friend leads such a secret life. She even told me she does and she’s tired of it. She literally came to my house right before she tried to kill herself so she could say goodbye. She wasn’t successful thank god. But I mean you never really know what’s going through someone’s head. They can tell you, but their answer might be bullshit for whatever is really going on and what they’re trying to hide. How will we ever know? How could we ever help? Maybe that’s why I’m such an open book now. For such a long time I hid everything from everyone. Then I was faced with an intervention. I had to get real honest real fast. Then I was afraid to be alone, drive a car, be around certain people, work my old job. Suddenly my secret life became apparent and I didn’t want anything to do with it. So I created a new life. Much like I did this time after treatment. It took me much longer, (almost a year) but I’m doing it. Bottom line is that SECRETS KEEP YOU SICK. It’s something I learned a long time ago and it’s very fitting here. 

I don’t surround myself with any of my old people, my old job, my old connects, my old hang outs, anything. I have a new job where people don’t know the old me. I confided in my coworker who lost her sister due to addiction who tells me constantly how proud she is of me for pulling myself up from that life into something much better. It’s something that her sister wasn’t able to do. For a long time I wasn’t able to do it either. 

All I can really say I I never want to go down that route ever again. I never want to struggle with addiction. I’m struggling with a virus right now and it’s the worst. It’s miserable. I don’t even know how I did withdraws before. 

I think I’ll finish here. I feel like I’ve been typing forever and they haven’t called my name. I went from 87% on my iPhone to 67% and now there’s 2 more people in here who are waiting. (They BETTER be called after me. I was here FIRST!!!!) 

I hope tomorrow I feel much better and it’s a much better day all around. 

Happy Halloween!


Happy Halloween everyone! I survived my first night out being sober in a “wet” environment. It’s not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Not for me at least, but the temptation isn’t there. I’m not a big drinker. Some of the people I was with were on some stuff, but again, not tempted. I guess it’s because I know and realize how bad my addiction is and I really have no desire to add fuel to its fire. I guess my willpower is strong enough to just be comfortable in my surroundings. The people around me can do whatever they want, get as fucked up as they want, and I can just do me. I’m obviously still going to have just as much fun as everyone else, and I sure as hell did, let me tell you 😉


My day started off pretty casual. I hung out at my friends house for a little bit. I got there maybe around 3ish. Not sure. She left work early because she wasn’t feeling well, but felt okay by the time I got there. I made sure she was in good spirits and still wanted to go out before I got there. She made sure she wanted to go out no matter what. We dicked around for a little bit. We went to Walmart and got our kitty accessories for our costumes, then some food. We smashed then dropped her son off, then met her brother and his friend up at a restaurant near her house. (and my old house)


A little back story, her brother and I have always had this weird, flirtatious thing going on. We don’t necessarily like each other. Only in certain social situations. However the last time we were together I turned him town (this was right before I went to rehab, and I was certainly not in any condition to go home with anyone, so I give myself major props for turning him down, even though I didn’t necessarily want to.) So the last couple of weeks I have been trying to get him to hang out with me, however he’s been a total douche bag. For some reason, his rejection has been hurting my feelings, despite the fact that I know he’s a complete asshole. It still hurts when someone turns you down. ANYWAY, we met up with him and within the first half hour we were already hardcore flirting with each other. (Is this bad considering I broke up with my boyfriend only the day before, and the last time we hooked up I had just broken up with my boyfriend the day before as well? Oh well.) Sometimes it just makes you feel good when you look good, you feel good, you know you’re doing good, and someone’s picking up what you’re putting down, even if they’re an asshole. I guess that makes it even better.


After the group had a few drinks, we went back to my friends house so we could get ready. We then went to a corn maze because we had free tickets. I DID NOT WANT TO GO. Okay, something about being stuck in a giant maze in the dark doesn’t sound fun at ALL. So naturally we got lost. There were SO MANY CIRCLES. I got ready to go out in my dress and everything before the corn maze so I had leggings and my friends boots on. Thank god I did because it was a muddy ass disaster. My friend and I ended up getting separated from the boys. We got super lost and decided to just go back the way we came. (Which ended up being hard as fuck.) We couldn’t take very long anyway because in order to not pay cover at the bar we had to get there before 9. Mission accomplished.


We thought that the bar would be hopping considering it was almost Halloween. It wasn’t. I encouraged my friend to get drunk anyway because of the great drink specials. It seemed to work. No decent guys there either. Total bummer. Maybe next time? I’d post pictures of my friend and I together, but I only post pictures of myself to protect the identities of all my friends.

halloween15 halloween153

Here’s a picture of the dress I wore: (It was totally snug the last time I tried it on. It’s so loose now. It’s a Betsey Johnson)


After we let the bar, we decided to go back to my friends house and play a little beer pong were the heavy flirting continued. What can I say? I dressed up as a sex kitten! (not to be confused with a sexy kitten, hehe) It just comes with the territory. Somewhere around 1:00 it was time to leave, however I wasn’t quite ready to go, if you know what I mean…. 😉

I got home somewhere around 2:30 where my dad bitched me out about how my dog kept waking him up and shit. Uhhhh, why don’t you just put her in my room where she sleeps every night? The same place she goes where she doesn’t wake you up? DUHHHH. He’s being a total douche. I’m almost 30 years old and I really don’t have to explain who the fuck I was with. If you really want to know, I can tell you in exact detail WHO I was doing, yes WHO I was doing, not WHAT I was doing, but since I’m your little girl, I’m pretty fucking sure you don’t want to hear that. I know it’s because I’m “fragile’ just coming out of rehab, but dude, I’ve done this before, I know what my limits are. I know what to do and not to do. I got this.

So that’s the tale of last night. I don’t have any plans for today, actual Halloween. I’m pretty tired. I didn’t get to bed until pretty late then my dog woke me up pretty early. I didn’t have any time to buy her a costume, because she’s so big I’d have to order it online. So instead I found my old ladybug costume from circa 2006 and put it on her. She didn’t seem to mind at all.


I’m just going to be rocking out in this tee all day that I bought for Halloween last year (which I am swimming in because it’s so big on me, but it’s all I have!) with my orange and black eyeshadow on. Peace out dudes!


My Struggles.

So since I have been out of treatment I have been making some progress. I just recently started a new ADHD medication. I never had a problem with abusing my Adderall but since it is a narcotic it’s best that I don’t take it. So I started something else, I don’t even know what it’s called. It seems to give me a little boost of energy. I feel like I’m about 70 years old with all the different medications I’m on. I take a medication for depression, a stomach pill, an anti anxiety pill 3 times a day, something for seizures and mood stabilizers for my bipolar 3 times a day, and now this ADHD medication, and then something for sleep.

I went for a job interview on Monday. I should be hearing back from them today. I am getting a little nervous as time goes on and I don’t hear anything. I’m afraid to even take a shower and leave my phone for 15 minutes because they might call. I nailed the interview. After the interview was over the lady who interviewed me showed me around the office and introduced me to all the managers and showed me all the different departments. I’m not sure if they did that for everyone, but she also made it clear that everyone knew I worked for Google. They are looking to hire about 10-15 people and starting next Monday so, I really hope that I get this gig. It’s really close to home, it’s within my pay, and it’s flexible hours. Last week I only applied for like 3 jobs and I was hoping I got a call for this one because it was so close to home. It’s actually in the same building that I used to take classes in. So, fingers crossed!


 I just got back from taking a little coffee run. I am not supposed to be drinking a lot of caffeine ever since I was diagnosed with my stomach condition but let’s just be honest here, when have I ever listened to doctors? I definitely don’t drink an entire pot of coffee like I used to. What I normally do in the morning is heat up the rest of the coffee that’s left over from my dad in the morning. But today I really wanted a little extra, so I went out to Tim Horton’s. When I was in treatment, a few of the girls and I went to Washington DC. One of the first stops we made was next to a Tim Horton’s. We ran over there as fast as we could. DO YOU KNOW HOW GOOD THAT SHIT TASTED? It was like heaven. I will never, ever take Timmy Ho’s for granted again. I’ve only had it twice since I’ve been out.


(Speaking of DC, there’s the t-shirt from some dude who was selling them right off the subway. Quite the deal, only $8. Don’t mine the nerd glasses. hehe. Just wanted to show I got the biggest coffee they sold.)

You’d think I’d be going crazy on all the foods I’ve missed. However, my body just can’t handle food anymore. NO I DO NOT HAVE AN EATING DISORDER. After I was diagnosed with my stomach condition, I was told I could go on a bland diet, or a liquid diet. Since I don’t cook, I chose to go on a liquid diet. Then when I went into treatment, I went off of it since the food is pretty bland. The medicine I am on is a huge appetite suppressant, therefor I really can’t gain much weight. In fact, if I eat something that has a high fat content, or eat too much, I’ll get sick. This is why in the past year I’ve lost so much weight. Here’s just a reference for you.





Being that overweight was one of the hardest and most depressing things that has ever happened to me. It started when I got sober the first time. I went to rehab and got fat. (which is natural, because your body is so weak from all the drugs) But then they kept me on this medicine that does nothing but make you eat, and constantly. I didn’t realize it at the time. My doctor kept upping my dose, and I was so dependent on it. I didn’t realize what was happening. When I first started working, I was working in a doctors office so I got to wear scrubs, so I didn’t have to wear anything form fitting, then I worked in a call center where I could wear yoga pants and t-shirts. I had no idea how big I had gotten. I didn’t have a social life, I never went any where. I didn’t want to take pictures of myself. I hid from the real world. I was so embarrassed.

Every once in a while I would have the urge to lose weight, but I would always want to cheat. Find some magical pill or supplement. I knew there was no magical way to do it. I had no idea that this medicine was doing it to me. NO CLUE. I just kept taking it, and taking it. My doctor kept on upping my dose. I had no idea she was the problem. Then one day, I had a seizure. It was from the medicine. You’d think she would discontinue it, but no she didn’t. She just gave me more medicine. This would ultimately be the end of me. She prescribed me a benzo, Adivan. A month later she would mix up the dose. I would end up taking the entire bottle and end up in a psych ward for 2 1/2 weeks. I would never see that doctor again.

It was a blessing in disguise. It let me to the doctor I have now. Who treats me properly. He realized that the medicine that gave me the seizure, that made me gain over 80 pounds, made me depressed, and feel worse, was the problem. He could reverse it. There was a pill that could treat my bipolar, my seizures, and help me with my weight. I thought, finally! Someone who will LISTEN to my concerns. I’ve been with this doctor ever since.

I thought since I was abusing the Xanax he was prescribing me that lead me into treatment he was going to discharge me as a patient, however he didn’t. He understood that this type of thing could’ve happened. I wasn’t just abusing the Xanax, I was doing far much worse things. Pretty much everything you could think of this time around. Last time I went to treatment it was just for Vicodin. This time, it was for EVERYTHING. You name it, I did it. I’m not ashamed anymore. This is my blog, this is where I share my truth. Sure, I don’t parade it around on my Facebook. Because not EVERYONE needs to know. I’m sure people have their suspicions on why I disappeared for a month. Fuck ’em.

I’m excited to get back to real life once again. I just got the call I’ve been waiting for. I GOT THE JOB!


I will be starting my job next Tuesday! I’ll be training Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10-4. I’ll get a pay raise after 60 days. She said there is a lot of room for advancement. That is something I haven’t heard in a long time. Something I’m going to do differently in this job that I haven’t done in a long time is KEEP TO MYSELF. I always get buddy buddy with people. I can be friendly, but I don’t want to get caught up in other people’s business. I want to work hard, and keep to myself and hopefully that will help me keep on track to advancement.

WELL that’s all from me today! I am very excited. I got the call I was waiting on! Now I can take a shower. hehehe. Lots of love to everyone! xoxoxoxo

Back from treatment

I just wanted to let you guys know I just got out of treatment today! I have 34 days clean! I am about to pick up my dog! I couldn’t be better! I managed to take a trip to Washington DC while in treatment. I will update you more later! I’m just so excited to be back to life!

<Font face=5>My sobriety date is September 11, 2015</font>