Lack of updates, let me catch you up to speed.


So my last post was about how my aunt and uncle wanted to purchase me eye surgery. Well, on December 16, 2016 I went under the knife and laser and I had PRK surgery. I did not qualify to have LASIK eye surgery since I am in the top 1% in the entire world with the worst nearsightedness. I always knew i was the top in the world at something. LOL. Now they explained that there would be really bad pain involved, like razor blades in my eyes. However, I experienced NONE of that. However the first day I decided I was well enough to wear eye make up I ended up tearing my retina. I had to have the tear removed a couple of days later. It just felt like there was a piece of sand in my eye. It was pretty uncomfortable. It happened the night of Christmas eve, so Christmas day I was pretty miserable.


Also, as of November 26 I entered into a new relationship. It’s with someone I’ve known since I was in middle school. We didn’t go to the same school, we went to competing schools, but he played hockey and I figure skated so we were always in the ice arena together. Funny thing is I always thought he was stuck up because he would never talk to me, but his friends would talk to me and we would always be around each other. It turns out its because he’s had a major crush on me ever since then. Well it turns out last February I asked him on Instagram if he was single, and he never got back to me. Then last Labor Day I hit him up and he was up north. He told me when he got the message he started freaking out, like “This girl I’ve been in love with is hitting me up, asking me to hang out and I’m up north, she must be fucking with me.” But even after that message it still took us a few months to finally hang out. I was nervous to hang out with him alone at first, so I took my friend. I was shy, and it seemed like he liked her more than me, because they were chatting it up. It turns out they have 2 really close friends in common, so they used to hang out a lot more back in the day, where as we would only hang out back in middle school, and back then he never used to talk to me!


We started hanging out more and more, and then by November 26 he officially asked me to be his girlfriend. Now when I tell you this next part, you’ll automatically assume it’s like my past relationships that I’ve blogged about however, I promise you it’s not. In January, he got sentenced to 6 months in jail. However, this is from a case he caught in 2015 long before we were together. I told him to turn himself in because I didn’t want to be with someone who is dodging the law. I get pulled over for speeding a lot (I just got a ticket on Monday) and I don’t want to be responsible him going to jail. So, he did what I asked of him and he turned himself in. Out of his 6 month sentence, he will only end up doing a little under 2 months in jail. He went in at the end of January, and he will be out March 22. 3 weeks from today!! He’s NOTHING like the other guys I’ve been with. He makes me feel like the most important girl in the entire world. I have self esteem issues and he makes sure he tells me every day how beautiful I am, and he loves me so much. I go and visit him every week at the jail for an hour on Saturdays.

I wanted to try and figure out how I could be the one to pick him up when he gets released, however I am scheduled to work that day, and I don’t have vacation time until June. My HR manager is a pushover and she’ll sometimes let you take vacation time early. So yesterday I wrote my boyfriend a letter that I was going to ask to take a vacation day early, but I was a little hesitant to ask. I had to email her about my insurance, so I just flat out ask what was the chances I could get a vacation day early? Like 3 months early? She said SURE. So when I went in her office, I just flat out told her the reason why. However, I made it seem like there was NO ONE there to pick him up, and if I didn’t go he would have to sit there all day. Which isn’t true. I just wanted to be the one to get him. He also wanted to surprise me when he got out and bring me flowers to work. But I got to do the surprise first! So it’s a paid day…. 3 weeks from today.

That Wednesday I’ll have off but get paid for it, then I’ll work my regular hours Thursday. Normally I have Friday’s off because I’m the only one who works Saturday. (We’re only open for 6 hours on Saturday) However that weekend when my babe comes home he wants to go away up to Frankenmuth for the weekend. So I had to get someone to cover my Saturday shift which is super hard to do because none of my coworkers ever want to do it. I struck a deal with my one coworker. She’s going to work my Saturday because I’m covering for her in May when she goes to Florida. But, since I don’t want to miss any hours I’m going to work 6 hours on my day off (Friday) so I’m going to work 8:30-2:30, then my boo and I are going to hit the road by 3:30ish, and we should still be ahead of rush hour traffic. Technically, I don’t have to make up my missed hours. However, I’ve been super broke lately, and I might as well just work the god damn 6 hours. I really don’t have to do anything while I’m there, just make a few phone calls per hour.

My sales were way down for February. I spent a lot of time in the hospital last month. (I can’t believe it’s already March 1st) I only ended up selling like 14 cars, and I’m usually at a minimum of 20. So my other coworker actually beat me, and that NEVER happens. I’m usually always in second place next to my team lead, and it’s been that way ever since I started. But this month I missed so much work due to my mystery illness. Don’t worry, I am definitely not letting it happen again. On the plus side, I still have a higher average of appointments per day than her, so I get paid out higher, so even though she sold a couple more cars than me, I’ll still be getting a higher check than her, and to me, that’s all that matters. I’m soooo fucking competitive.


As I mentioned, last month I spent SO much time in the hospital. I went a couple of times, and they sent me home. Then I went one day, they sent me home, but kept me off work the next day. Then that night I went back to the hospital, but then they kept me for a few days. I had so many scans, x-rays, and even a few procedures done where they had to knock me out. The scary part was I was by myself most of the time because both of my parents were working. My dad did come visit me Saturday while I was in the hospital, but I was in there since Wednesday. They did a procedure on me where they had to knock me out, and before they did they started asking me a series of questions like if I had to be brought back, do they have my permission, or if I need a blood transfusion, do I accept, and I just wanted my mommy at that point. I felt very drowsy from the sedation, and I think I might of even mentioned my mommy, and they said we can call her. I said no it’s okay she’s probably busy at work. Plus, they had 5 patients waiting to do procedures on and I was the first one to go, and I didn’t want to hold them up. They told me they were going to give me something to calm me down, and the next thing I knew I was waking up and the procedure was over and they were taking me back to my hospital room.

The hospital stay wasn’t all bad. I mean, aside from smelling super bad from not showering, being super uncomfortable, being hot as hell then cold as hell, not being able to sleep, my stupid machine going off every 5 seconds from not keeping my arm straight, just to name a few. But I was on a diet where all I could eat was popsicles, pudding, and jello. It was fantastic. They were giving me soups too which I was all excited to eat because I love soups, but they PUREED THEM. They were absolutely disgusting. One taste of it and I almost barfed. I was barfing a lot anyway, so it’s not like it was just the soup. I don’t have a definite answer of what’s going on. It’s a combination of problems. Mostly the medication I have been taking for all my fucked up-ness. They had to change the sleep medication which I have relied on for so long. (Trazadone) I’ve been taking it for so long and they said it’s what’s been making me sick. So while I was in the hospital, they weren’t giving it to me. They were going to keep me for another night, but my vomiting finally stopped so they discharged me. Me, not believing it was my medication, comes home and takes my medication and gets violently ill as soon as I take it. I literally threw up for 48 hours straight. I’d eat a popsicle and throw it up immediately after. They gave me anti nausea pills, and I’d throw those up too.

I couldn’t follow up with my psych doctor until this past Monday so my sleep has been fucked up. They changed my meds, and they put me to sleep right away, however they don’t keep me asleep. Last night, I went to bed right at 9:00 but by 2:30 AM I was wide awake. Same story tonight. I took the pills a little later and went to bed by 11. but I got up at 3:30 AM and now it’s 4:48 AM and I’m wide awake. I probably could’ve fallen back asleep tonight, however my phone started going off and it wouldn’t shut the fuck up. IT was also storming really, really bad. (Thunder and lightning) The dog was so scared she was crying and literally wouldn’t leave my bed.

As I mentioned, my phone started blowing up. So in the past I’ve mentioned my ex boyfriend evil, who isn’t so evil anymore. He’s just… my ex. I did some awful things to him about a year ago and tried to get him in serious trouble. Luckily it didn’t work, otherwise I would’ve jeopardized him being able to see his son, something he’s been working towards for the past 3+ years. We were hanging out around that time and had gotten into a fight, and I wanted to hit him where it hurts. Plus, he started making threats against me. Anyway, my phone started going off and it’s his new girlfriend. He and I have hung out a little here and there. Mostly me giving him rides to run errands, totally harmless and my boyfriend knows about it. I even gave him a ride to his new girlfriend’s house. Anyway, she messaged me accusing me that I wanted to make out with him. Im’ like whaaaat? I said I care about him a lot, I do, but not in that way anymore. I’m very happy you guys are together. She said something about how she knows my boyfriend is in jail and I’m trying to get with him. But then she proceeded to say he couldn’t remember if he dreamed that or not. I’m like please do not involve me in your guys’ conversations when they involve me, if you don’t even know if they’re real or not. You just woke me up! I went on to tell her that I was very happy he has her, and I even told him I want to meet her because she sounds great. He seems very happy with her (even though he told me the other day he tried to break up with her, so I’ve gotta ask him what happened to that.) I said that me, her, my man and myself could all get together. Evil and I started off as friends, eventually got into a relationship that turned into a disaster, became friends again, tried to rekindle our relationship which turned into another disaster, decided to just be friends, and that’s where we’ll remain. We were always better as friends. He’s in very poor health right now, and something very, very serious might be happening, so I try to check in with him every couple of days.

Also, I don’t really have any sort of a relationship right now with my “best friend” of 27 years. She started slipping off the deep end. What happened was she moved back in with her parents to save money, but couldn’t follow the rules her parents gave her. (She’s always been very defiant, she likes to test people and see how far she can push people) So, eventually they kicked her out. Since she started hanging out with my boyfriend and I a lot and she was close with him already, she stayed at his house a few nights and ended up meeting one of his friends. Well, from there she started staying at his house, despite the fact that she had a boyfriend. She started lying to me about stupid stuff, getting into bad stuff, spending money on god only knows what. Anyway, I stopped hanging out with her and only started spending time with my BF. When my dad went out of town she wanted to come over, and my dad specifically said she wasn’t allowed to come over. Our parents talk, so of course he would find out she came over. She only wanted to come over because she didn’t want her parents to know her boy toy was coming to pick her up, so she was just using me. I don’t want to be used by anyone. Fast forward to recently, she just stopped talking to me, and she was doing shady shit like disappearing from where she was staying in the middle of the night, and started talking nonsense to me. I just blew her off. She finally had a mental break and got some treatment. At least this is what she’s telling me. She said she’s been staying with a girl she met in treatment. I don’t feel like she’s being truthful at all. I can’t be around people like that. The only thing she’s been truthful about is it to tell me she got back together with her boyfriend.

Anyway, I think that’s all I’m going to update. I know there’s still more going on in my life but it’s 5:30 AM and I am getting kind of tired. I’ll promise to update more. Thanks for reading and staying faithful to my blog.


Hit me hard 

The message I got last night from evil hit me hard. However I will say this. Lately I’ve been feeling in the dumps about my life. I know I have to take my medication because when I do I feel good. I see the strong correlation with that now. But I realized I tried to blame my addiction on my ex and what he said to me last night made me realize so many things about myself. Maybe since I know where I stand with all the guys in my life right now I think it’s as good as a time ever just to move on. Just start fresh somewhere. Make myself over. I can’t keep doing this to myself. I have to make a clean break. I really did do him wrong and now that I’m clean headed I can see it and I feel horribly and I know there’s no going back. There’s no going back to any of these so I might as well move forward. I shouldn’t be holding on to anything into the past anymore. I’m thinking about reactivacting  my dating profile and just going for it. Clean break right. I know one is in jail, one is a total scum bag loser and the other is in love with me but I don’t see a future. So there’s that. I just need to get out there and stop rehashing the past. I want to be around better people. More positive people and that’s it. That’s just what I have to do. I hope this isn’t Just a feeling but something that lasts. I have to close this chapter and start a new one. I’m going 30 and I’m trapped yet again at my dads house and if I don’t step up nothing is ever going to change in my life and I desperately need change. I think in this moment I’m finally accepting the responsibility for all the damage and the things I’ve done during my addictive addiction and I feel really bad about it because I didn’t even realize how bad things were. 

Putting things out there

I just put something out there today to my friend about how I was over my ex (evil) and how every time I drive to her house I have to drive past his and I don’t think about him anymore. Then out of nowhere about an hour after I make that statement to my friend, he messages me! Tells me about how he’s going to jail tomorrow and how he’s been thinking about our past and its fucked up. I tried making amends when I got out of rehab and I said to him this is what I did. His messages are just here and there and he’s not really answering what I’m saying. But how is it possible that I make the statement in the universe I might be moving on and he finds a way to come in? It’s like anytime he’s on my mind, the universe answered. I was thinking about him in the past and his letter from rehab came returned in the mail one day. I think I wrote about it. Then the day I went to check on him I listened to our song and I said “please be here” right before I got there then he was. Timing is everything. If these messages came yesterday then that would be different. But I make the statement about moving on then he pops up only to tell me he’s going to jail, of all places. Where at least I know he’s safe. He’s been in jail longer than when he’s actually out. Our relationship and the circumstances in which we met are very complex. I don’t know if I have ever really talked about where we met. The fuckkkkk. 

Feeling Feelings

I have been feeling feelings for evil today. I heard the song “Blue Jeans” by Lana Del Rey and it just made me think of him. It’s weird because I heard the song this morning before I went to work, then when I came home from work the letter I wrote him in treatment came back today (almost a month later) return to sender. I guess I had the address wrong. I was going off memory and I always GPS’ed the address, so I wasn’t sure if it was even correct. Here’s the song, and the lyrics.

“Blue jeans, white shirt
Walked into the room you know you made my eyes burn
It was like, James Dean, for sure
You’re so fresh to death and sick as ca-cancer
You were sorta punk rock, I grew up on hip hop
But you fit me better than my favourite sweater, and I know
That love is mean, and love hurts
But I still remember that day we met in December, oh baby!

I will love you ’til the end of time
I would wait a million years
Promise you’ll remember that you’re mine
Baby can you see through the tears
Love you more
Than those bitches before
Say you’ll remember, oh baby, say you’ll remember, oh baby ooh
I will love you ’til the end of time

Big dreams, gangster
Said you had to leave to start your life over
I was like, “No please, stay here,
We don’t need no money we can make it all work, ”
But he headed out on Sunday, said he’d come on Monday
I stayed up waitin’, anticipatin’, and pacin’
But he was chasing paper
“Caught up in the game” ‒ that was the last I heard

I will love you ’til the end of time
I would wait a million years
Promise you’ll remember that you’re mine
Baby can you see through the tears
Love you more
Than those bitches before
Say you’ll remember, oh baby, say you’ll remember, oh baby ooh
I will love you ’til the end of time

You went out every night
And baby that’s alright
I told you that no matter what you did I’d be by your side
Cause Imma ride or die
Whether you fail or fly
Well shit at least you tried.
But when you walked out that door, a piece of me died
I told you I wanted more, but that’s not what I had in mind
I just want it like before
We were dancing all night
Then they took you away, stole you out of my life
You just need to remember….

I will love you ’til the end of time
I would wait a million years
Promise you’ll remember that you’re mine
Baby can you see through the tears
Love you more
Than those bitches before
Say you’ll remember, oh baby, say you’ll remember, oh baby ooh
I will love you ’til the end of time”

It just really hits me. He really hits me. I don’t like to think about him, about us. Because whenever I do I get really sad, confused, I don’t know what to do, what to think. There is nothing to think about right now because we are in two completely different places. I went through treatment and I’m out living my life. He’s in treatment, not by choice but court ordered for 6 months. So where does that leave us? There was so much left unsaid. It hurts. I hate feeling these feelings. That’s what sobriety is about. Feeling all the feelings that you covered up in your active addiction. They come out, and boy are they fucking STRONG.

i feel

I know there’s nothing I can do about it, which I guess that’s a good thing. I know that if I could act on these feelings, it might not necessarily be a good thing. I guess that’s why it’s good to have distractions for now. I broke up with good for a reason. It wasn’t fair to string him along, especially since he is such a sweet guy, and he deserves better, which isn’t me. I’m not quite sure what I want right now, but I know he isn’t it. I know that I had a lot of intense feelings for him while I was in treatment, but as soon as I left and saw him again, the feelings just weren’t there. Plus I’ve already cheated on him. The day after we broke up I hooked up with someone else. I obviously have no soul. My heart is clearly elsewhere. Until I get that back, maybe I am just better with distractions.

But I guess if I truly loved evil too I wouldn’t be seeking distractions either? I can’t be sure things will ever work between us. I can’t just cut myself off completely from dating and sex when I don’t even know if we’ll ever work, if he’ll ever change. He hasn’t yet. I don’t know if he’s capable, if he wants to. He hasn’t yet. He’s not even in treatment because he wants to be, he’s there because he has to be. I went because I wanted to get better. That’s the difference between us. Could it ever work? Could I ever trust him because of that? The trust has never been there completely before. That’s the thing about sober relationships, is that you can’t do someone elses recovery for them. But I’m the kind of person who will always want to. I was once told when you start trying to do someone elses recovery for them is when you start losing focus on your own, and that’s when you are most likely to fuck up. So essentially I’m asking for a disaster either way. I know I should avoid him at all costs, everyone tells me so, all the signs tell me to, but my heart says something else.

I’m obviously not going to do anything about this. I just got really emotional when I heard that song. My heart skipped a beat, then almost stopped for a minute. I literally stopped getting ready this morning and listened to it twice. I was stopped dead in my tracks, I couldn’t move. I just became so overwhelmed. It’s like, you don’t think about something for so long because you shove it so deep inside that eventually it just explodes.

I just need to keep my schedule filled with hotties. Line them up, so that by the time that evil gets out of rehab I’m all like what, who are you? Look how good I look, and I’m so busy with all my male friends, and I’m not a slut I’m just “sexually popular.” (It’s a thing now. I just made it up but it’s a thing, it’s not slutty, it’s trendy.)

Tomorrow should be a good day. I’m going to attempt to sleep in tomorrow. Then I’m going to go shopping with my mom. I want to hit up my favorite store in Ann Arbor to get me some new leggings! I used to hate leggings, and said they aren’t pants. However, I now see that if you have the appropriate body to wear them, they can be worn as pants. I guess I opposed to them because I couldn’t wear them. When I got my first pair I asked like 29350802358 people if I looked okay wearing them because I was still in the process of losing weight and wasn’t sure if I could pull the look off. However all 89275928359028 people reassured me that I could. (I convinced myself that the gold metallic leggings I was about to purchase at the time would never come in handy however, nor did not look right no matter how fucked up I got, so I decided against it at the last minute) Then I want to try and hit up Kohl’s to score a few pair of jeans.Then my boo boo wants to have a Cards Against Humanity night at her house. I’m alwaysssss down to play that game, always a good time with that crowd. Should be a good time.

So now I’m going to try and stop feeling feelings. My ex is messaging me on facebook telling me he misses me, loves me, all that. I have a couple other guys texting me dirty messages. (Not that I mind, but I’m not in the mood to entertain this tonight) Can someone just put a pause on feelings for tonight?


Devil’s Night

I broke up with my boyfriend last night. (My boyfriend named good if you have been followbrokenhearting along.) I’ve been out of treatment for 2 weeks and 1 day. When I was in treatment I had so many intense feelings for him. I would write him letters everyday about how much I loved and missed him. However once I got out, I didn’t feel the same. It’s like a switch flipped inside of me. I don’t know how to explain it, and it totally crushed him. But I had to explain to him that I’m going in one direction, and he’s just standing still. He’s still not working, he doesn’t have a car, or a license. How can I move forward when he isn’t? It’s not fair to me. I want someone who is motivated, and right now it seems like I’m his only motivation. That’s so much pressure. I’ve actually been meaning to break up with him since I got out, but I knew this would absolutely crush him, so I’ve been putting it off.

I told him we can be friends, because I feel like that’s what we’ve been lately. He said that’s all he hears, that he’ll be friends with his ex and it never works out. He knows that I’ll move on and find someone else. Maybe I will? I don’t know. He was very good to me. But lately, since he ran out of money, and he doesn’t have a job, everything has been on me. I’m selfish, I want someone to take care of me. I know this about myself. He did that before, and he knows that about me. He knows he needs to step up. I told him that if he can get his shit together, maybe things will change. I’m giving him a silver lining but do I think we’ll get back together? Probably not. I think the chapter is closed. I don’t think I’ll have those feelings for him again. Which brings me to my next point….


I’m ready to move on. I still have hope that evil & I will get back together. He’s currently in a treatment center for 6 months. I know our relationship won’t work if he doesn’t stay sober. I don’t know if he’s capable of doing it. I want him to be. I hold on to it. But again, I should just move on. 6 months is a long time. I can’t just sit around and wait for him for 6 months. So I’m not. Just because I’m sober, doesn’t mean I can’t have fun, have a social life. Go out and meet new people. Which is EXACTLY what I’ll be doing tonight.


I remember 5 years ago the first time I got sober the first time I went out was at a Halloween party with a good group of people. I wasn’t uncomfortable, I felt totally fine in my environment. People were drinking, having a good time. I had an out if I wanted to leave. I was with a good friend who understood my situation and wouldn’t put me in harms way. She knew that it was a huge leap for me to even come to the party, and knew that I probably wouldn’t stay long, and it was my first venture after my stint in rehab. Well, tonight I’m going to experience that all over again. I’m going to “test the waters” I guess. I’ll be fine. Drinking doesn’t really do it for me, I think drunk people are hilarious.

I mostly want to go out because I love being slutty on Halloween. Plus I have a lot to celebrate. (with water!) I just got a new job, I’m newly single, newly sober, I’m fresh out on the prowl. I want to help my friend troll for some new dudes, and she’s going to help me do the same. The best part is, I WON’T HAVE BEER GOGGLES. See example below.


I can also help my friend from this mistake.

The only problem is I have to wear a Halloween costume. I think I might just wear some slutty ass outfit and my Hello Kitty ears and call it a night. I told my friend to get some cat ears, draw on some whiskers and go as a sex kitten. (See what a good influence I am?)  Meowwww =^^=

My other friend came to me on Monday and said that she wanted to go to treatment. She had a court date on Wednesday, and after that she was planning on breaking up with her boyfriend because of his involvement with drugs and all the drama he brings. Well, it’s now Friday and she has yet to make any changes. I honestly don’t believe she’s going to do it. I know she NEEDS to do it, I PRAY she’ll do it. I told her this isn’t the type of thing you dwell on, or research. It’s the type of thing you just go and do. You pack your bags full of random shit. You don’t even know what you packed because you are just so worried about getting there, and then you fucking go. There’s no thinking, no researching, you just go, just do. I ended up re-friending her on Facebook just so I could kind of creep in on her life. I have no interest in being friends with her, taking her calls unless it’s about getting help. She’s very skinny, disgusting looking, crack addict looking. She initially told me that she just needs to go for depression. I told her that’s a load of bullshit. She needs to get honest with herself. She said she’s really good at manipulating doctors. I said well if you want to get better, you have to be honest. You have to tell all your doctors your an addict. You have to realize your body doesn’t know the difference between taking drugs for pain and for pleasure. I pray for her and her children’s sake she gets well. But until she checks herself in, I will not be taking her calls, entertaining her questions about treatment. Her main concern was detoxing. Really? Get over it.

Anyway, I’m going to load myself slap happy full of coffee this morning so I can finally get the motivation to sort through this mountain of shit in the basement that I call my belongings. I have THREE closets worth of clothes. Now that I have a job, I have to organize my shoes which are currently in a box. I can’t believe I treated them so badly. I hope they forgive me. I think I might need another treatment center….


New job….again

Posting from my phone so I have to be brief but I got sick and had to leave work early and go to the hospital. They told me not to come back. (I was a 90 day temp, then would’ve gotten a full Union position) So I had been waiting to hear back from this other place that staffs all of the university of Michigan hospital jobs. A friend told me about their staffing company and I originally interviewed for a position that I didn’t end up getting. However I impressed them so much they called me in and hired me for another job, no interview necessary. I’ll be working Mondah through Friday 6:30 am to 2:30 pm! Right across the street from where I worked at Google. However they’re really conservative there so I have to be fake as fuck. I even have to wear light makeup. Sometimes I love my dark smoky eye look. Whatever I can do basic bitch makeup too and dress like a republican. (Sorry no offense I’m just making a statement since they’re very conservative as I said)

Also today was great because I got some rhinestone studded leggings. And also, who the fuck is Matt and why the fuck would I share my beloved coke with this bitch? 

Also maizy scared me because I couldn’t find her. She was sleeping underneath my coffee table. I bent down to take this pic so you can actually see her here, but when I was standing up she was totally hidden. 

My dad and I fought about me moving home because he said I’d have to get rid of my dog. No thanks. My roommate is planning on selling her house and moving so IDK where I’m going to end up in a few months. And if I don’t get my shit together soon I’m going to be flat on my ass. 

Evil gave us all quite a scare the other day. I had to call 911 and he’s been in the hospital since that night. Not in the best shape. I visited him. Then I called his nurse to tell him I couldn’t make it back up there because of the job thing and he actually talked to me. (He hasn’t been talking a whole lot) They transferred him to another hospital that’s better for his needs. I think I’m going to stay close to home this weekend in case we can visit. All of this made me realize he’s the only man I want to be in my life. I have to find a way to end it with good. My heart will only allow me to truly love one person. So there’s that. 

What am I doing?

I literally have no idea what I’m doing in life right now. I’m fucking up shit left and right. I don’t have a job or money so I’ve been super stressed out. How can I pay all these bills when I have 1 more unemployment check left? My life is so chaotic and I just keep making it worse with this good and evil thing.

I have two men who tell me they love me, and who both think I’m in a relationship with them. I can’t choose. Because I know that if I had to, I’d make the wrong choice. So I don’t choose. Is it really SO bad that I have two men right now? Let’s evaluate.

Good is true, pure, honest and genuine. But I feel like he cares about me more than I care about him, and he’s so perfect, that naturally I fuck it up. He never gets mad at me, raises his voice, or does anything that I should be suspicious about. He is good all the way to his heart.

Evil on the other hand I have more to connect with. We fight constantly about the dumbest things and we drive each other crazy. But we have been friends for 3 years and only became romantically involved earlier this year. We connect on a deeper level, because we share a lot of having a fucked up past.

When I met good, I was sure that I was done with evil for good because of how bad he back stabbed me. He knows I was with someone else while we weren’t together. He didn’t hook up with anyone else, and says that he’s not jealous like that and wouldn’t do it to get revenge on me. Like I said, I literally have no idea what I’m doing with my life right now other than making one bad decision after another. I know this is going to end in a disaster, so why don’t I just end it before it gets to that point? Here’s why.

Evil and I are always on and off. I like having someone there when we’re off, or fighting. I am being super fucking greedy, and perhaps needy too. I worry constantly when evil doesn’t answer his phone. Wondering if he’s in jail, or dead. I feel like I can’t ever stop worrying about him. I worried about him the entire time we’ve been friends because he’s always been in some kind of trouble. I’m like his saving grace. I’m the one thing he cares about, and loves. How could I destroy him, or leave him when he needs me so much? Even though when he doesn’t need me, he makes it very clear by not answering the phone, or even giving a fuck to even check in with me. Sometimes I feel like I care more about him then he does about me. The exact same way I feel like good cares more about me. It’s a horrible feeling. I can’t choose. What am I doing?

When it rains, it pours, and rips off your bumper. 


I was driving home in a really bad storm where I could barely see. iAds a turn and didn’t see a curb and must’ve turned over it. It was raining so hard on the freeway that I couldn’t hear it dragging the entire time. It was about 20 miles. Yeah so I also have a job interview tomorrow and don’t even know how bad the damage is. The little guard underneath the front bumper is bent underneath the car. I already fucked that thing up last winter and got it fixed in the spring. I’m legally blind. (most of you mother fuckers claim to be “blind” because your glasses are sooooo thick. Well mine is -11.50. Anyone who knows what that means and tries to tell me how bad theirs are, it’s usually like a fucking -3.0 or some shit. Side rant) I shouldn’t have driven home in the first place with the horrible rain and my eye sight. This just pisses me off, I have an interview tomorrow!! As usual I called my dad and he’s going to come over in the morning and assess the damage. I couldn’t really see how bad it was because its dark and raining. I tried to pull it and it’s totally jammed up under my car. Fuck fuck fuckidy fuck fuck. I was shaking the whole way home too. Just a nervous wreck on the road. The windshield wiper speed on my car is like too slow too. I asked the dealership to adjust it and they said it would be a modification to the car and break my lease. My car is only a 2013 Ford Focus. You’d think a newer car with all the gizmos and gadgets in that mother fucker would have windshield wipers that go fast and actually block the rain while driving. It’s a fucking safety hazard obviously in which I was a victim to tonight.
I got a OCD and changed all my contacts on my iPhone to different hello kitties that represent each person with corresponding emojis. 

It’s still thundering really bad and shaking the entire house. I’m in the basement and can still feel it

I should really get to bed so I can wake up and have my dad look at my car. I’m going to finish the Wolf of Wallsteet since I started watching it earlier. 

I hung out with evil today and did laundry at his house. I had to go to court for him on Friday. He ended up spending the night in jail, so when he came out I went over there because his mom called and said I was the only person he wanted to see. Then this afternoon we hung out and ran some errands while I did my laundry at his house. I’m just comfortable doing it over there. His mom likes me and it wasn’t awkward. 

I also got harassed by evils ex after court. I just told her by the way she was typing she’s so dumb and I don’t understand what she’s saying, so she should stop embarrassing herself. I may have mentioned it has something to do with her not finishing high school. She’s trying to ruin his life so I feel like I have to help him. He told me he loves me. I know it must’ve been really hard for him to tell me that because he hates talking about his feelings. So that just threw me off balance completely. What do you say? What do you do? I can’t have two people telling me they love me (the two I refer to as good and evil) and I’m just frozen. I hate emotions and had them shut off for YEARS and totally detached from everything emotionally for a long tnme. I didn’t realize I was capable of turning my feelings on or off until now. Because I’m doing it. It’s going to explode in my face so I know I’m going to sabotage this anyway. It’s like eh, whatever. I need to teach myself not to detach and ruin a good thing because I have a fear of commitment. Okay I guess I really needed to blog today. 

Here’s some stuff I saved that makes me LOL. The second one is what my BFF sent to me.    





So I had my job interview today but I couldn’t finish it because I didn’t have two forms of ID. I did actually but not the right ones. The girl over the phone told me what I had was fine but of course when I get there it wasn’t. So I was only able to do some testing, not even have an interview! I’m so pissed! But half these people didn’t do the math portion right and just used their cell phones. Then we had to watch a video and be tested on it. THERE WERE PEOPLE SLEEPING THROUGH IT. You can only get 3 wrong too. Ugh so I’m really bummed out I have to wait until the next round for an interview. All this effort getting ready and driving way the fuck across town really pisses me off. 

I’ve been really reckless too and have been pushing good away, and hanging out with evil. Something about our connection and past. He’s the only one I wanted to visit me in the hospital and take care of me. He did. I can’t explain how I can go to hate to love just like that but I do. Good and I are just too easy, effortless even but I don’t like it. My friend and I had a convo before about how we go after bad guys because the good guys are too easy. I’m conflicted because I care about good and evil a LOT. I have both of them calling me their girlfriend right now too. Evil knows about good but good doesn’t know I’ve been hanging out with evil again. He would be done with me in a second. But I have to be honest soon. Right now I’m just avoiding him. 

I have a lot of resentment toward him about a lot of things wrong like he doesn’t have a car and now that I moved I don’t live right down the street anymore. It’s frustrating any annoying and he said he knows it’s tearing us apart too. Plus he’s so young and impressionable. I just think I’m over it already but it’s so unfair to him because he’s done nothing but be there for me and do everything right. 

I’m just a horrible person right now. I’m still in a lot of pain from this infection I was in the hospital with on Tuesday. I can’t think straight. Anyway I just wanted to quickly post this because I’m with evil right now and he’s really pissing me off right now by ignoring me. Whatever. Okay I’m going to end here. I just need to think happy thoughts and stay positive. 

Exploring my music collection & life


As I mentioned I’m exploring my music collection out so I will be updating the songs I’m listening to. You can click on the links and they will open up the song in a new window in YouTube if you’re interested. 🙂 (Currently starting with New Found Glory, “Ballad for the Lost Romantics”)


So I am officially in a relationship with good. I feel really good about my decision to make a commitment to him, although it usually makes me want to do bad things when they’re not around. But he’s different and he takes care of me, as I mentioned. I don’t have any fears with him, he just does things for me without me even asking. It’s never like I did this for you, so you should do this for me. I think my perception of relationships is changing.

Mostly because I closed off emotionally for 7 years, then when I finally met someone, they were horrible to me and for me, I just got super close super quick. It’s like all the things I didn’t feel for 7 years came out in all the wrong ways, well more like on the wrong people. I’m not going backwards, I feel like making this change who is like a prince charming means I’m done with all the bad men. Putting their bullshit in a box, storing it on a shelf, and letting it be. I’m done with men hurting me and making me feel like a piece of shit, and getting in my head. I’m a good girl (hehe, kinda) and deserved to be treated right.


strongfreeNice guys were always too nice for me, so I could never be with one. Plus, I blog about all my mental illnesses so I feel like nice guys can’t handle how crazy I can be sometimes. It’s not my fucking fault.

That’s why I like blogging, and listening to music. It puts me in good spirits. (Currently listening to Maroon 5, “Can’t Stop”) I’m updating from 2 work stations and the big computer at the top has a huge hard drive with ALL my music starting from 2004 when I bought the computer. (Currently listening to La Roux, “Bulletproof”)


(Currently Listening to KT Tunstall, “Suddenly I see”) I just took my boo after basically kidnapping him for a couple days. I’m supposed to hang out with my girl whose out to eat with her man. She said she’s supposed to come back here but she might end up hanging out with him since they’re both kid-less, but I really hope she does want to hang. I’m in the mood since my boo left. It’s really great to live with my friend of 25 years. I know my blogs have been a little confusing because of how much stress I was under from moving but now that things are coming together.

(Currently listening to John Mayer, “Why Georgia”) Things are so much better than living at my old house and it’s not a piece of shit. I’m back in my home town where I know where everything is. Getting back to a comfort zone of some sorts. I haven’t moved very much so it was very stressful, especially doing it all by myself. I am not used to doing things on my own, despite being 29 years old. I very much rely on others for help and there was no one there to help me this time. I was doing everything by myself and had no motivation to do anything, but so much desire to get the fuck out of my old house.

(Currently listening to Franz Ferndinand, “Take Me out”) I am kind of in transition since I don’t know how long I’ll be living here, when I’ll get a job, what the fuck is going to happen with me, but I’m just taking things day by day. Living in the moment. Trying to be free and fearless, and not let my anxiety get the best of me.


(Currently listening to Eminem, “Drug Ballad”) Perfect time for a 4:20 break.

During my 420 break:

Buckcherry, “Lit up”
Blackstreet, “No Diggity”
Aerosmith, “Sweet Emotion”

It’s funny how certain people, like good, who is my BOYFRIEND *gasp* can just change us, and make us feel a certain way. Special, and good, and for the first time in my life I feel like I KNOW the other person cares about me. Their feelings are genuine, they don’t want anything out of me, other than me to be me. That’s a reassuring feeling. I have a friend who is in a relationship right now and feels completely under appreciated and taken for granted, and gets no affection whatsoever. She can’t live with him, or without him, she’s torn. But I told her if she’s not happy there are other men out there that you can be with that will make you feel totally happy.

(Currently listening to Britney Spears, “Piece of me”) Life is all about the pursuit of happiness, which is why I love that song so much. We only get one shot at this life, we there is no time for negativity and unhappiness. Live life to the fullest.


(Currently listening to Yeah Yeah Yeahs, “Gold Lion”)
(Currently listening to TI, “What you know”)

Obviously I am more interested in my music at this point and I think just about all I came on the interwebz to say today. Enjoy my fuckery of a musical selection, yes, I know it’s all over the place, just like me 😉