Point proven, Monday’s suck

Perhaps I’ll be blogging more because I’ll have more free time because I lost my job today! Oh I knew it was coming which is why I’m not really upset other than I have no money, actually probably a negative amount of money, and that is really freaking me out. I have to act pretty damn fast. My life literally just crashed and burned in a matter of weeks. Between my property situation, under medicated, over medicated, I can’t win. At this point, I know it’s a huge cop out and I’ve never wanted to do it because I thought I was capable, I might say disability? It’s obviously what’s preventing me from moving forward. I guess I’ve always felt capable of handling everything on my own but clearly, CLEARLY I’m not. I’ve had people helping me my whole life. It’s eventually going to end, then what? 

I just have to find my happy place!





Oh one more thing, today wasn’t ALL bad. It was my very first time celebrating National Puppy Day! I’m so happy to have found Maizy! I vow to always get your ball when it rolls under the furniture even though you have 73939 other balls & toys to play with because I know you will cry until I do because you want THAT one. 







Just a cour more of these for fun! (Google images Mondays suck memes when you’re having a bad Monday for instant LOLZ)